Should You Hire Elmer Woodard?

Understandably, with these Charlottesville indictments coming down, several people have asked me about legal representation, and specifically about Elmer Woodard, who represented me in my case in Albemarle County. This is not a simple yes or no question. To begin, Elmer Woodard is a man of exceptionally good character. He cares about justice, and about […]

Thoughts for Tonight’s SurrealPolitiks Member Video Chat Wednesday April 19th 9:30pm

We live in, interesting times, as goes the curse. Toward the end of Monday’s public show, a caller brought up recent indictments in Charlottesville, Virginia, in which a Soros backed prosecutor has fulfilled his campaign promise by bringing meritless charges against attendees of a 6 year old political demonstration, which was coordinated with law enforcement. […]

Radical Agenda S06E009 – Economemetics

Here at the Radical Agenda, we’ve come to understand, quite by the hard way, the concept of scarcity. Whatever discomfort this accompanies, we consider ourselves fortunate for the lessons such experience teaches a man. A bit of formal study doesn’t hurt, either. One thing I do miss about libertarianism was the centrality economics played in […]

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