SurrealPolitiks S01E052 – News & Phones

SurrealPolitiks - Realpolitik in an Unreal World
SurrealPolitiks S01E052 - News & Phones

Due to circumstances circumstances I won’t trouble the reader with today, I ended up doing an off schedule episode of SurrealPolitiks Sunday in our otherwise normal 9:30pm US Eastern time slot. Tonight we will do a quick appearance beginning at 9:30 anyway, just because I’m the hardest working guy in media and love you all […]

SurrealPolitiks S01E051 – AI Generated

SurrealPolitiks - Realpolitik in an Unreal World
SurrealPolitiks S01E051 - AI Generated

It would be cheating if I had an AI bot write scripts for this show and then pass them off as my own. It would also make me look like a moron because I am a much better writer than my AI bot, at least for now. But for today’s show, I am generating summaries […]

Radical Agenda S06E060 – AI / OME

Christopher Cantwell's Radical Agenda
Christopher Cantwell's Radical Agenda
Radical Agenda S06E060 - AI / OME

On the most recent SurrealPolitiks and associated member show, I unveiled some of the Artificial Intelligence stuff I have been making some progress on regarding image generation. The output on that front has been pretty impressive, and in parallel I’ve been working on text generation. I currently have a functional chat bot, not entirely dissimilar […]

SurrealPolitiks S01E050 – Totally Unscripted II

SurrealPolitiks - Realpolitik in an Unreal World
SurrealPolitiks S01E050 - Totally Unscripted II

I’ve been enduring a fairly persistent writer’s block and as the hours tick by I am certain I’ll not be preparing a monologue before this evening. So tonight, it’s news and phones, maybe a little live OmeTV. SurrealPolitiks airs live every Monday at 9:30pm US Eastern on Rumble, and on Odysee, and on the GetMeRadio […]

Radical Agenda S06E059 – More Like Haiti

Christopher Cantwell's Radical Agenda
Christopher Cantwell's Radical Agenda
Radical Agenda S06E059 - More Like Haiti

One of the more startling moments of my intellectual journey can be attributed to Dr. William Luther Pierce. A recording from him titled “The Lesson of Haiti” gave a brief description of that country’s horrifying racial history. Like other places blacks reside in large numbers, Haiti is not in any natural sense “poor”. Every non […]

SurrealPolitiks S01E049 – Totally Unscripted

SurrealPolitiks - Realpolitik in an Unreal World
SurrealPolitiks S01E049 - Totally Unscripted

I had sent out an email show teaser today with a snippet from a monologue I was in the process of preparing. Sparing the details, I was unable to complete that monologue before airtime, and to read it in part would have been to do it no justice. So today I went completely unscripted, touched […]

Republishing: Fash the Nation 535: Some Garbage Podcast

Christopher Cantwell's Radical Agenda
Christopher Cantwell's Radical Agenda
Republishing: Fash the Nation 535: Some Garbage Podcast

On March 9th 2024, it came to my attention that this episode of Fash the Nation, which aired in January of 2023, had been removed from the website hosting it. This being an important part of history, I could not stand to see it fade from the Earth. So, it is with the utmost respect […]

Radical Agenda S06E058 – Slay of the Union

Christopher Cantwell's Radical Agenda
Christopher Cantwell's Radical Agenda
Radical Agenda S06E058 - Slay of the Union

There is so much I want to get to today. Kessler Cringe Posting, the End of Nikki Haley… A recent story about Matt Drudge was also pretty interesting, and had the effect of pointing toward something I missed at the end of last year. Mediaite’s “Most Influential in News Media 2023” – a list of […]

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