5 Reasons To Blame Feminism For Mass Shootings

The usual suspects have come under fire in the wake of a mass shooting that left 9 victims and the shooter dead at Umpqua Community College in Oregon. Guns, mental illness, racism, masculinity, religion – I already went over much of this in a previous article. In that piece I summed the problem up to…...

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Another Dead Man in a Gun Free Zone

If I were to be made aware that a murderer was on the loose in my neighborhood, I might unholster my weapon and make sure the doors were locked. If I were a student at Delta State University in Mississippi right now, the best advice I could get for staying alive would be to “stay away…...

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The Fall of Law Enforcement

I have mixed feelings about what I’m going to say to you in the following paragraphs. Something is happening which I’ve long cheered for, but it is happening for the wrong reasons, and I fear the outcome. Then again, I never imagined this would happen cleanly or without some amount of fear, so from that…...

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Vester Flanagan: Social Justice Murderer

Television reporter Alison Parker, 24, and cameraman Adam Ward, 27, were shot and killed Wednesday morning while broadcasting live for CBS affiliate WDBJ7 near Roanoke, Virginia. The suspected gunman, 41 year old Vester Flanagan, was a former employee of the television station who went by Bryce Williams on-air. The shooting was captured from two different camera…...

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Mother Avenges DCF Kidnapping

On July 10th 2015, Jody Herring’s 9-year-old daughter was taken from her by Vermont’s Department of Children and Families. It starts off a common enough story, with few details made public. Whether your particular authoritarian regime calls it DCF, or Child Protective Services, or some other Orwellian misdirection, governments throughout the world run these child trafficking schemes…...

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Deputy Did Not Identify Himself Before Gunning Down 13 Year Old

Less than ten seconds had passed between the time Sheriff’s Deputy Erick Gelhaus reported seeing 13 year old Andy Lopez with a toy gun, and the time he fired 8 shots into the junior high school student. The incident happened so fast, that the deputy he was training hadn’t even exited the vehicle before 7 of…...

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When Should You Hire A Hitman?

Since the seizure of Silk Road, and the arrest of Ross Ulbricht, the alleged mastermind of the online drug market, aka  Dread Pirate Roberts, the United States Federal Government has alleged that he took part in at least two murder for hire plots. Both of the alleged plots, involved a government agent pretending to be…...

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Militants Gun Down Mother In Front of Her Child

An unarmed, 34 year old dental hygienist by the name of Miriam Carey, from Stamford Connecticut, was murdered earlier today near the home of reputed mob boss Barack Obama. Dozens of bullets tore through her black two-door Infiniti, as she traveled with her toddler. Her body was so badly torn apart by the gunfire, that…...

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“Illegal guns drive violence” Says Cop Who Wants to Make More Guns Illegal

“Illegal guns, illegal guns, illegal guns drive violence” said Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy, after calling for an assault weapons ban, and apparently failing to see the irony of his statement. “A military-grade weapon on the streets of Chicago is simply unacceptable,”  McCarthy told a news conference this morning, 12 hours after a 3-year-old boy and 12…...

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Have You Ever Had The Hiccups So Bad, You Just Wanted To Kill Somebody?

Have you ever had the hiccups so bad, you just wanted to kill somebody? That’s apparently what happened to Jennifer Mee, according to an article in USA Today. In 2007, Mee was struck with a chronic case of the hiccups, up to 50 per minute, that went on for about 5 weeks. In an interview…...

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