Radical Agenda EP051 – Media Wars

Cantwell's Secret Stash Radical Agenda EP051 - Media Wars Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds 00:00 / Subscribe Share RSS Feed Share Link Embed Download file | Play in new window | Recorded on October 29, 2015 | Download transcriptWhat was easily my favorite part of last...

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Donald Trump: A Reminder That The GOP Is Hopeless

Donald Trump is dominating the news. Not because he came up with some kind of groundbreaking policy proposal, or said something really profound and awe inspiring, or even because anybody seriously expects him to become president of the United States. He’s dominating my news feeds because he is…. trolling Megyn Kelly on Twitter? Well, in…...

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Benton & Tate Indicted

Jesse Benton and John Tate have been indicted on charges of violating campaign finance laws during Ron Paul’s 2012 presidential campaign. Benton, who is married to Paul’s granddaughter, was the chair of the campaign committee. Tate was the campaign manager. Both are now heading up America’s Liberty, a super PAC supporting Rand Paul’s 2016 bid for…...

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My Utter Lack of Interest In Rand Paul

As I hear it, Rand Paul has announced his candidacy for President of the United States. Not only that, but he’s in New Hampshire right now. I could get in the car and go see him if I wanted to, but I think I would rather watch Game of Thrones reruns in preparation for Sunday’s…...

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Please, I’m Begging You, Forget Jesse Ventura

“Politics in America today is identical to pro wrestling, and what I mean by that is, in front of the cameras and the public we all hate each other… Yet behind the scenes we’re all friends going out to dinner together” says Jesse Ventura. If anybody should know, it’s Jesse, since he’s been a governor,…...

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