Rape Culture Meets Race Pimps

This is a really terrible story of ignorance and hate, but I still find it funny in a way. The media has been drumming up hysteria about rape in India for a long time now. For over two years I keep seeing stories in my Google News feed about public demonstrations against rape in India, as…...

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Cop Attempted To Coerce Sexual Favors from Prostitute

A Cook County Sheriff’s Deputy is being held on $10k bail after allegedly attempting to coerce sexual favors from a prostitute, on New Year’s Eve. He probably would have gotten away with it too, if he hadn’t double parked in the 1500 block of North Avers. Chicago Police questioned Fernando Rodriguez, who works for the Sheriff’s…...

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Rape Accusation Culture

To hear some people tell it, there exists a culture where rape is socially acceptable. Not under some foreign “Islamo-fascist” regime in a land far far away, but right here in America. All over the world, really. It’s something of a conspiracy, perpetrated by the elusive patriarchy. A large, and growing number of radical ideologues are…...

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What if the penalty was rape?

Propaganda leading up to the US invasion of Iraq spoke of rape rooms, where agents of the Iraqi government would rape a man’s wife in front of him in order to coerce him into giving information or otherwise punish him or gain his compliance. This, according to the United States government, was but one of…...

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Hypersensitive People Empower Ignorance

You know what I find really offensive? Statism. Statism has been the source of more misery and death than anything else in the history of mankind. Every (sizable) war, prison, or widespread institutionalized form of oppression, has originated in, or taken shape through, the State. You’re a homophobe and don’t like gay people? Well, that’s…...

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Rape is Hysterical

So, I made a rape joke the other day, comparing rape to taxation, and surprisingly enough, a bunch of people freaked out. Even more surprisingly, 280-something comments later, nobody seemed any more enlightened than before I posted it. So, let’s address the issue here. Based on this, are you actually under the impression that I…...

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