excuse me, sorry, smiley

I Don’t Want Your Fucking Forgiveness

My routine here regularly upsets people. That’s sort of the whole point, actually. I regularly thank my haters for all their bitching and moaning, because without it, what I do would not be nearly as successful. They are every bit as integral to this business model, as are Facebook likes, and reddit upvotes. Their perpetual butthurt makes others curious about what I’m saying, and leads them to check it out for themselves. Some like it, others don’t, and I think this is rather normal for any content producer. What is different about this blog, is some people love it, and other people hate it. There are very few middle of the road types on this medium. I provoke strong opinions, and that’s the whole entire point.

For years, I searched for the type of content that I produce today. I wanted to read articles and watch videos, like the ones you see here. For all my efforts, I never found them. To the best of my knowledge, there has never been a libertarian Opie & Anthony. There has never been a libertarian Mark Levin. There has never been a libertarian John Stewart. Or at least, not one with a consistent message of non-aggression. I’m not implying that I am as good as any of these great content producers, but this is what I aspire to.

What made Opie & Anthony great, was holding out their middle fingers to anyone who told them they were doing it wrong. They were fired multiple times by multiple radio networks. They were blacklisted from numerous markets, and ultimately found their home on satellite radio, where the FCC couldn’t touch them. Today, they make millions of dollars and entertain hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people 5 days a week, and it took the launching of satellites into outer fucking space, to escape the PC hysterics and censors.

Since then, numerous calls for firings and boycotts over allegations of racism, sexism, advocacy of violence, and crude humor have fallen on deaf ears. SiriusXM took the bold stance of allowing brilliant people to do their work and entertain their audience. As a result, it is one of the most popular programs on the platform, and cancelling it would result in the loss of millions of dollars.

Whether anybody likes it or not, I’m carving out such a space for myself. Despite being expelled from numerous organizations, blacklisted from speaking engagements, blocked, reported, and banned on social media, and generally despised by an ever growing community of butthurt pacifists and leftists, support for my work is increasing every single day. If it were true, as so many have said, that I’m “kicked out of the liberty movement” then that only means that I have done what all my detractors have failed to do, namely, reach non-libertarians with my message.

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