Radical Agenda EP046 – Fresh Outta Rope!

Cantwell's Secret Stash Radical Agenda EP046 - Fresh Outta Rope! Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds 00:00 / Subscribe Share RSS Feed Share Link Embed Download file | Play in new window | Recorded on October 15, 2015 | Download transcriptI truly envy all you calm people...

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Libertarianism’s Ultimate Logical Conclusion

I believe it is the natural right of every man woman and child to live free from initiatory violence and fraud, and that the only proper exercise of violence in human society is the defense therefrom. To speak of these values initially sounds quite reasonable to many. Until they realize it would forbid things like taxation, which…...

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Another Dead Man in a Gun Free Zone

If I were to be made aware that a murderer was on the loose in my neighborhood, I might unholster my weapon and make sure the doors were locked. If I were a student at Delta State University in Mississippi right now, the best advice I could get for staying alive would be to “stay away…...

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Who Declared War on Who?

Harris County District Attorney Devon Anderson had strong words in support of law enforcement yesterday, in the wake of Sheriff’s Deputy Darren Goforth being gunned down execution style while pumping gas. One day later, a 30-year-old man, identified as Shannon J. Miles, was charged with capital murder in the death of Goforth, a 10-year veteran of the…...

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The Fall of Law Enforcement

I have mixed feelings about what I’m going to say to you in the following paragraphs. Something is happening which I’ve long cheered for, but it is happening for the wrong reasons, and I fear the outcome. Then again, I never imagined this would happen cleanly or without some amount of fear, so from that…...

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Mother Avenges DCF Kidnapping

On July 10th 2015, Jody Herring’s 9-year-old daughter was taken from her by Vermont’s Department of Children and Families. It starts off a common enough story, with few details made public. Whether your particular authoritarian regime calls it DCF, or Child Protective Services, or some other Orwellian misdirection, governments throughout the world run these child trafficking schemes…...

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Radical Agenda EP017 – Pre-PorcFest Roundup

Cantwell's Secret Stash Radical Agenda EP017 - Pre-PorcFest Roundup Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds 00:00 / Subscribe Share RSS Feed Share Link Embed Download file | Play in new window | Recorded on June 19, 2015 | Download transcriptIt’s not the latest of headlines, but as...

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Meet The People I Drew Down On

At approximately 3:20am on Sunday, May 10th I was involved in an incident on Main Street in Keene New Hampshire where I was compelled to pull my revolver to defend myself against two male, and two female assailants who charged at me in a threatening manner. I recorded the entire incident. Police arrived on scene, reviewed…...

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Critiques of My Self Defense Incident Refuted

I have remarked before, that it’s sort of my job to be hated. I’d venture to say I’ve become quite good at this. So whenever I draw a great deal of attention to myself, there is obviously a certain expectation of negative feedback. Often, this is intentional. I am saying controversial things that I know…...

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I Almost Killed Somebody Last Night

Recently, there have been some thefts at my friend Ian’s house. So I have been taking it upon myself to sit on his porch at night in an effort to catch the crooks in the act. Last night I was there until around 3am, and on my way home, I heard women crying, and men yelling…...

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