furious, upset, person

Feminist Conspiracy Theories

The script for the video below was originally prepared as an opening statement for a debate I had with a rather obnoxious feminist. She backed out of that debate though, and so I decided to use it as the voiceover for my first cartoon! Watch the video below, and let me know what you think of Cartoon Cantwell. I’ll work on getting his lips better synced to the words in the future if the character has potential. I also pasted a rough copy of the script below the video.

I think this is a really important discussion for us to have, gender, misogyny, misandry, very hot button issues that stir a lot of emotions, some rational, some irrational.

Men and women, we are of the same species, still, in large part, I think we look at each other sometimes as being completely different animals. Even if we’re from similar ethnic backgrounds, have similar political or philosophical beliefs, I think we look at each other, and we see each other as completely different animals, just on the basis of our gender.

And some portion of that seems really silly, right? I mean, we speak the same language we live in the same country, we are in similar professions, we have a lot of the same problems, we have friends in common, we probably enjoy a lot of the same entertainment, I mean, in most circumstances we cam probably like have a really normal conversation.

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