Donald Trump on Alex Jones

Donald Trump was guest on the Alex Jones show today. Discussing the media’s attacks on his campaign, the plans of the elites, and how to make America great again. Alex claims to have contacts within the global elite, who say Donald Trump is the real deal. I recently saw Donald retweet Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet on…...

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I Still Don’t Know What Happened on 9/11

Today is September 11th 2015. Fourteen years ago I, like many of you, watched in horror as planes flew into the World Trade Center, and heard reports of one flying into the Pentagon. I was living in New York at the time, and like many other New Yorkers I know people who lost friends and family…...

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How To Hate Minorities

Lately there has been much discussion about discrimination in the news. To hear some people tell it, there exists some mass hate movement against homosexuals, which conspires in the highest levels of business and government to oppress them. To make matters worse, the nation is still reeling from race riots in Ferguson over the Michael Brown…...

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Google’s Fact Checking Scheme: A War on Truth

Google to become final arbiter of “facts”? Google recently published a research paper proposing that the world’s largest search engine change its ranking algorithms to dampen sites with a high number of “false facts”. The paper specifically uses the example of Barack Obama’s nationality, and New Scientist uses the specific example of “anti-vaccination sites”,  leading some…...

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Conspiraphobia: Reason vs. Ron Paul

You know the libertarian movement is in trouble when Reason Magazine, the most popular libertarian website on Earth, finds themselves on the same page as The Weekly Standard against Ron Paul. Reason’s Matt Welch posted an article today attacking The Ron Paul Institute for republishing a Paul Craig Roberts piece about the Charlie Hebdo shooting,…...

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Feminist Conspiracy Theories

The script for the video below was originally prepared as an opening statement for a debate I had with a rather obnoxious feminist. She backed out of that debate though, and so I decided to use it as the voiceover for my first cartoon! Watch the video below, and let me know what you think…...

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I Don’t Know What Happened on 9/11

I’m on my way into Manhattan this morning, to live stream the 9/11 rallies happening today. Not the “Let’s kill those Muslim savages” type rallies. Not the “Hooray! Obama got bin Laden and dumped him in the ocean with no evidence!” type rallies. Rather, the rethink 9/11 rallies. I say that I don’t know what…...

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