One Pennsylvania State Trooper is dead, and another is wounded, after they were ambushed outside their barracks in Pike County Saturday night. “It’s a cowardly attack. It’s an attack upon all of us in society” said Pennsylvania State Police Commissioner Frank Noonan. Social media is abuzz with messages of support for the widow of Cpl. Bryon K. Dickson, and her two sons who have now lost their father. The wounded trooper, Alex Douglass, was in stable condition Saturday after surgery at Geisinger Medical Center in Scranton, reported The Morning Call.

Cpl. Bryon K. Dickson is dead. Good Riddance.
Cpl. Bryon K. Dickson is dead. Good Riddance.

Police from three states have descended upon the Poconos to search for the assailant, who has yet to be captured or identified. Police are being tight lipped, and are not disclosing whether the barracks had CCTV cameras, or whether there is any evidence at all. One man was being questioned as a person of interest, but not a suspect. Police now suspect the shooter to have left the area, having thoroughly searched for any sign of him, and found none.

Right now, we know nothing about the shooter. We don’t know his identity, his motives, his political beliefs, or whether he was a good or bad person. I hope that it stays this way, because I hope he is never caught.

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