A Strategic Libertarian Case Against Non-Violent Degeneracy

Ask ten different libertarians about their political priorities, and you’re likely to get ten different answers. These might range from the quite moderate like marijuana decriminalization or a tax reduction, all the way to the more dramatic like the complete overhaul or abolition of the entire State apparatus. Ask still others, and you’ll find priorities that…...

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Some Garbage Podcast EP025 – #KOKESHED

Cantwell's Secret Stash Some Garbage Podcast EP025 - #KOKESHED Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds 00:00 / Subscribe Share RSS Feed Share Link Embed Download file | Play in new window | Recorded on February 13, 2015 | Download transcriptAdam Kokesh joins us for the 25th episode...

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Sorry Molyneux, Competition is not Theft

Stefan Molyneux recently released a video discussing the death of Eric Garner in Staten Island at the hands of NYPD officer Daniel Pantaleo. Pantaleo put Garner in a chokehold for allegedly selling untaxed cigarettes on the street, in an effort to arrest him. Garner died as a result, and a grand jury refused to indict officer Pantaleo…....

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On Michael Brown, Tamir Rice, & Eric Garner

When racial hysteria dominates liberal media, and protests turn into riots, California is never far behind on joining in on the fun. In response to the grand jury decisions not to indict officer Darren Wilson for the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, or officer Daniel Pantaleo for the strangulation death of Eric Garner in…...

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Some Garbage Podcast EP015 – Riot at Keene State College

Cantwell's Secret Stash Some Garbage Podcast EP015 - Riot at Keene State College Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds 00:00 / Subscribe Share RSS Feed Share Link Embed Download file | Play in new window | Recorded on October 19, 2014 | Download transcriptA riot broke out...

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PA Troopers Got Off Easy

One Pennsylvania State Trooper is dead, and another is wounded, after they were ambushed outside their barracks in Pike County Saturday night. “It’s a cowardly attack. It’s an attack upon all of us in society” said Pennsylvania State Police Commissioner Frank Noonan. Social media is abuzz with messages of support for the widow of Cpl. Bryon K…....

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How Would an Anarcho-Capitalist Society Repel Invasion?

Can Anarcho-Capitalist Defense Forces Replace a Government Military? The final vestige of someone clinging to government force is often the military. Especially when we’re dealing with folks who may have been more right leaning in their previous political life, the military holds a special place in the hearts of statists. We’ve all been raised our…...

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Stefan Molyneux Banned from YouTube

UPDATE 4:21pm EST: The Channel was restored moments after this story was released. Original Story Nobody is 100% sure why, but Stefan Molyneux’s YouTube Channel has been disabled by YouTube. I’ll update this article as more information becomes available. Since Stefan is not in the habit of violating copyright law, we can safely assume this…...

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5 Things The Bundy Ranch Teaches Us

Surprisingly enough, I was going to ignore the story of Cliven Bundy’s ranch, which is presently under siege by federal agents from the Bureau of Land Management. A number of people thought this was right up my ally, to come at from a use of force angle, since so many people are speculating it will…...

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