Eric Frein Can No Longer Advance Liberty

Eric Frein, the Pennsylvania man who allegedly killed one State trooper and wounded another, was captured by US Marshals yesterday in the Pocono mountains. Frein had eluded authorities for 48 days. Some say he was even playing games with law enforcement, popping up just long enough to be spotted, and then disappearing.

It had been said that the 31 year old sniper and survivalist “doesn’t miss” and had the skills to survive in the wilderness, both of which were demonstrated in the month and a half he spent on the run. Ultimately however, dogs, thermal-imaging cameras, more than ten million dollars and over a thousand law enforcement agents were dedicated to the search, and proved too much for him to evade.

Eric Frein Captured
Eric Frein Captured

He appeared in court with bruises and lacerations to his face, which authorities say he sustained “while marshals had him down on the pavement”, despite reports that he put up no fight, and surrendered peacefully when marshals identified themselves. When handed off to Pennsylvania State Troopers, he was placed in the handcuffs of the officer he allegedly killed.

Prosecutors are seeking the death penalty, and given the slave population’s reverence for their oppressors, there is no reason to expect that they won’t get it. Eric Frein, is a dead man walking.

I think that’s very unfortunate, because it seems like Eric could have been a really valuable addition to the fight for liberty. Sure he struck a blow for the cause by removing one aggressor from this world, and severely injuring another. Sure there’s a little more fear in the hearts of the oppressors thanks to Eric. We can thank him for this, and I do, but I can’t help but feel like his capture and imminent execution are such a high price to pay for the little that was gained from his efforts. 

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