Threatening “War” Against Police?

Leonard John Watson is being held on $50,000 bail in Texas for a Facebook post that allegedly threatened war against police. The Eagle is reporting that Watson was charged with “obstruction or retaliation”, a third-degree felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison.

The incident stems from a drunk driving arrest Watson suffered in October. Watson continued to drive even after his license was suspended (before any proof of guilt was provided, mind you), and police obtained a warrant to arrest him for driving with an invalid license. After making bail on that charge, Watson allegedly sent the following private message to a Facebook friend.

“i’ve just been seeing these cops as terrorists for quite a few years, and i feel a war need to be started, blood must be shed in the streets and sacrifices must be made … and i can start it with the two that arrested me other day. I have their home addresses [sic].”

Some friend… Watson’s acquaintance reported the message to police investigators, according to the affidavit the warrant was based on. Let’s all hope this snitches name and address become very public.

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