Can't Tell The Difference Between Welfare & Donations?

Can’t Tell The Difference Between Welfare & Donations?

Can't Tell The Difference Between Welfare & Donations?
Can’t Tell The Difference Between Welfare & Donations?

Since changing the signatures on my posts to “I am in desperate need of money. So if you appreciate the work I do, please consider donating, or advertising here.” I’ve gotten no shortage of comments acting as though I’ve somehow done something wrong. Unsurprisingly, these comments come primarily from people who would not support what I was doing here under any circumstances. Even if I were giving money away, instead of asking for it, social justice warriors, cop lovers, and other State supporting scum would always look for any reason to attack me. That’s just part of the game, and I expect it.

Recently, a writer of no distinction whatsoever published an article attacking me, Stefan Molyneux, and Adam Kokesh for soliciting donations. I haven’t read it. I’m not going to. I don’t think there’s much point in anybody else reading it. The article came from a lefty female who’s with the same birdshit outfit that gave us Cathy Reisenwitz. She doesn’t seem to have any problem putting a “donate” button on her site, even as she condemns others soliciting donations as “welfare queens”.

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