Conspiraphobia Reason vs Ron Paul

Conspiraphobia: Reason vs. Ron Paul

Conspiraphobia Reason vs Ron Paul
Conspiraphobia Reason vs Ron Paul

You know the libertarian movement is in trouble when Reason Magazine, the most popular libertarian website on Earth, finds themselves on the same page as The Weekly Standard against Ron Paul. Reason’s Matt Welch posted an article today attacking The Ron Paul Institute for republishing a Paul Craig Roberts piece about the Charlie Hebdo shooting, the thrust of which was to call the event a “False Flag” operation.

I’m really not here to try and defend Roberts. I think conspiracy folks have this inane tendency to conclude elements of the government are strategically organizing every bad thing that occurs in the world. I just plain don’t have enough faith in the State to believe it would even be capable of such organization. On the other hand, I don’t put it past them to be willing to engage in such acts, and whatever the government tells us usually contains some amount of bullshit.

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