Words, Agendas, and Limited Regrets

Words, Agendas, and Limited Regrets

Language is a fascinating subject. A much tortured artform handed down from generation to generation since before recorded history, human beings arrange sounds and images to communicate ideas to one another. Between that and thumbs, human beings have managed to accomplish quite a bit over our less sophisticated fellow mammals. We can study history, understand each other’s needs, trade, and make all manner of complex arrangements that no other species of creature is capable of. It is truly a remarkable thing.

Words, Agendas, and Limited Regrets
Words, Agendas, and Limited Regrets

Regrettably, words have been used for some rather nefarious purposes as well. Governments and religions in particular have been the worst offenders, but of course, they are nothing without the actions of individuals, who are ultimately responsible for the words that come out of their mouths, pens, and keyboards. Words can start wars, incite one group to oppress another, facilitate fraud, destroy reputations unjustly, or just plain make people miserable. 

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