Pro White Hashtags Trend on Twitter

Over the past three days, three separate pro-white hashtags have trended on Twitter. Neoreactionaries, or Alt-Right types, with whom I’m still getting acquainted, started the trends, and the results might surprise you. A brief note to the regular reader. I know we’ve talked about race a lot lately. I know most of you didn’t sign…...

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Words, Agendas, and Limited Regrets

Language is a fascinating subject. A much tortured artform handed down from generation to generation since before recorded history, human beings arrange sounds and images to communicate ideas to one another. Between that and thumbs, human beings have managed to accomplish quite a bit over our less sophisticated fellow mammals. We can study history, understand each…...

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Radical Agenda EP010 – My Anthony Cumia Moment

Cantwell's Secret Stash Radical Agenda EP010 - My Anthony Cumia Moment Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds 00:00 / Subscribe Share RSS Feed Share Link Embed Download file | Play in new window | Recorded on May 20, 2015 | Download transcriptI’ve been “indefinitely suspended” from Free...

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Racist Tweets about #Ferguson

This is absolutely despicable. Within moments of the announcement that a grand jury failed to indict officer Darren Wilson for the shooting of Michael Brown, racists flooded social media with hate speech, and attempts to incite violence. This is being updated every few minutes with new tweets, refresh the page for more in a few…...

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Cathy Reisenwitz Accuses Bitcoin of Bigotry, Loses 2 Klout Points

Cathy Reisenwitz Klout Score Drops Two Points After Accusing Bitcoin of Bigotry With left “libertarians” like Cathy Reisenwitz, it’s all about privilege. There’s basically no issue that cannot be boiled down to racism, sexism, or homophobia. Not even Bitcoin. In a hysterical twitter fit, Cathy makes the case that there is some diabolical plot causing…...

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Google Openly Admits To Manipulating Search Results

On Christmas day, Google purposely buried a website. Search terms that would find it on the first page on December 24th, could be as far back as the 5th and 6th pages on December 25th. They did this on purpose, targeting the website directly, and they discussed it openly…. This content is for Monthly Premium...

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Leftists Celebrate The Death Of Mikhail Kalashnikov

Mikhail Kalashnikov, famed inventor of the AK-47 rifle is dead. We don’t yet have word on cause of death, except to say that it was of natural causes at the age of 94. The Kalashnikov is world’s most famous assault rifle. The AK came from the Russian word “avtomat” which meant automatic rifle, followed by…...

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Tech Companies Demand Government Surveillance Continue

Laughable. That’s the single word that came to my mind as I read an article in the Atlantic titled “Google, Apple, and Microsoft Agree: NSA Spying Undermines Freedom”. Now, from their title, it sounds as if these companies were standing up for you, the user of their products and services. What actually transpired though, was…...

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Facebook Has Cancer

Don’t panic, it’s not contagious, but Facebook is terminally ill. Soon, Tom and Mark will be on bunk beds, in a one bedroom apartment, wondering how it all went wrong. That’s a bit exaggerated perhaps, Tom (Your first MySpace friend) is a multimillionaire, and we can expect Zuckerberg will never want for anything as long…...

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US Government Twitter Propagandists Working Through Shutdown

Most of the Twitter accounts operated by arms of the United States Federal Government are closed today, but apparently some of them didn’t get the memo about the shutdown…. This content is for Monthly Premium Membership and Yearly Premium Membership members only.Join NowAlready a member? Log in here...

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