Reddit Ruined By Feminist Cunt

Reddit Ruined By Feminist Cunt

The dominoes are falling rapidly in the social media world, as social justice warriors run roughshod over all things fun. Facebook has long been known for deleting posts and banning users whenever somebody gets pissy, no matter how inane the complaint. YouTube has banned numerous high profile channels. Twitter updated its abuse policies to curb harassment last year, and has begun marking tweets as sensitive, compelling an interested user to make an extra click to find out if they even want to see what’s been tweeted.

About the last popular social media site to let users decide what content they consume on their own has now slipped down into the same cesspool of political correctness that has rendered near everything else utterly repulsive to those of us who value straight talk. Reddit, the 30th most trafficked website on Earth, per, the “front page of the Internet” as they refer to themselves, has begun banning subreddits it deems hateful. Yesterday the first 5 fell, r/FatPeopleHate (149,504 subscribers), r/hamplanethatred (3071), r/transfags (149), r/neofag (1239) and r/shitniggerssay (219). If you think it will end there, you’re fooling yourself.

Reddit Ruined By Feminist Cunt
Reddit Ruined By Feminist Cunt

The move should come as no surprise. The CEO of Reddit, Ellen Pao, is a full blown gender egalitarian fanatic. She suffered an embarrassing loss in a gender discrimination lawsuit earlier this year, when all four counts of her baseless allegations against her employer Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, were found to be so by a jury. Basically she fucked a married man at work, shit got weird in the office, and she decided that was a good reason to bring the government into the matter. 

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