Radical Agenda Telegram Group

Telegram is a popular instant messaging app which uses proprietary encryption. In other words, it provides a somewhat uncertain layer of security to the conversations which take place within it. In my book, the smooth and reliable functioning of the app makes it a great balance of security and convenience for casual conversation. For many […]

Facebook is Censoring LifeSiteNews.com

Facebook has adopted a new addition to its algorithms that “auto reports” group posts to group admins, giving them the option to allow or delete the post if Facebook deems the post “offensive”. I had reported last week that they had deemed TrigglyPuff’s OKCupid profile offensive, and while the new feature troubled me, I did…...

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Facebook Considers TrigglyPuff’s Dating Profile Offensive

In Facebook’s never ending quest to cleanse the world of any and all things offensive, they have apparently started “auto-reporting” Facebook posts. A group I run on Facebook – the Radical Agenda Listeners group – has long been quite diligent about who we allow in so that we can avoid politically incorrect posts from being…...

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False Flag Racism

Not long after Dylann Roof murdered 9 people inside Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in downtown Charleston, South Carolina, a series of arsons took place at mostly black churches in in and around St. Louis, Missouri. Roof had stated he set out to commit the crime in hopes of starting a race war, and so the timing…...

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Pro White Hashtags Trend on Twitter

Over the past three days, three separate pro-white hashtags have trended on Twitter. Neoreactionaries, or Alt-Right types, with whom I’m still getting acquainted, started the trends, and the results might surprise you. A brief note to the regular reader. I know we’ve talked about race a lot lately. I know most of you didn’t sign…...

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White People Literally Can’t Even Mention Race on Facebook

I’ve been banned from Facebook over some pretty ridiculous things. Making enemies of social justice warriors has caused me to become a frequent target of report brigades. This is why my block list exceeds 350 people and grows by the day. If I see someone make so much as a passive complaint about racism or…...

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Radical Agenda EP019 – Muh Rainbows

Cantwell's Secret Stash Radical Agenda EP019 - Muh Rainbows Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds 00:00 / Subscribe Share RSS Feed Share Link Embed Download file | Play in new window | Recorded on July 1, 2015 | Download transcriptI signed into Facebook and it was like...

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So You Think That Rainbow Makes You Look Cool?

I have an important public service announcement for everyone who changed their Facebook and other profile photos to a rainbow recently. Absent some massive desire for more color in your life, you probably did this to celebrate the United States Supreme Court magically creating a constitutional “right” to a marriage license for gay people. Didn’t…...

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Reddit Ruined By Feminist Cunt

The dominoes are falling rapidly in the social media world, as social justice warriors run roughshod over all things fun. Facebook has long been known for deleting posts and banning users whenever somebody gets pissy, no matter how inane the complaint. YouTube has banned numerous high profile channels. Twitter updated its abuse policies to curb…...

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