Libertarianism is not a Synonym for Inclusivity

Libertarianism is not a Synonym for Inclusivity

Being a controversial figure has its ups and downs. One of the downsides is, I get excluded from a lot of things. I’ve been expelled from organizations, lost speaking engagements, kicked off radio shows, and blogs. That’s just the stuff I know about, and in all reality I’ve certainly been excluded from a great many things which I have yet to find out about. From time to time I’ll just show up at a thing, and be told that I’m not welcome.

I try to turn this to my advantage, but that’s not a good feeling, obviously. One might well make the case that the people who exclude me from things are selling out, even, and indeed, I have made that case in some circumstances. However, there are some who would make this case incorrectly, by relating it to free speech, or saying something to the effect of “nobody should be excluded for their ideas”.

Libertarianism is not a Synonym for Inclusivity
Libertarianism is not a Synonym for Inclusivity

There has been some controversy here in Keene, as members of the Keene Activist Center have been proposed for expulsion, or to have their memberships revoked. These are two different things, I should clarify. One can be allowed into the KAC while not a member, so long as they are invited as the guest of another member, or coming to some sort of event there. An expelled person is “banned” from the KAC and is not welcome there under any circumstances. I myself have gone through both of these states. In these instances as well, people often cry out for inclusivity, and I feel this requires correction.

The above paragraphs open many cans of worms, so let’s get to work.

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