Cop Commits Suicide After Ashley Madison Exposure

Cop Commits Suicide After Ashley Madison Exposure

The infamous cheaters website, Ashley Madison has a slogan. “Life is short, have an affair.” Apparently life wasn’t short enough for a San Antonio cop who was allegedly a member of the site. Captain Michael Gorhum, who had worked for the San Antonio Police Department, died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound last Thursday. His was one of 37 million email addresses leaked following a security breach of the site. So suspicions run high, that he ended his life rather than face the consequences of his infidelity being exposed.

I don’t usually like to get into other people’s sex lives. What they do in their own bedrooms is their business.

But I think it worth pointing out, that a man who would enter a legally binding contract of sexual fidelity, then break that contract in secret, and would then sooner end his own life, leaving two children without a father, than deal with the repercussions of that betrayal becoming known, probably shouldn’t be running around with a handgun telling other people what to do, much less managing a team of people who do so on a daily basis. Gorhum served 25 years on the police force. During that time he surely handed out a great many traffic citations, he surely arrested many drug users, he surely logged a great deal of evidence, testified in many trials, and swore many oaths. He ruined lives for a living, and he was given license to do that because he was trusted with powers that no mortal should ever possess.

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