An Equal And Opposite Reaction

An Equal And Opposite Reaction

If you have been paying any attention to the goings on in libertarian circles over the last few years, you would probably have a difficult time not noticing the massive buildup of left wing lunacy that has been boiling over as of late. Misandry parading as feminism, anti-white sentiment disguised as anti-racism, crackpot economic theories, promotion of deviant sexual behaviors, pacifism, drugs, you name it. Libertarianism is being laughed out of the human consciousness because so many of those calling themselves libertarians are little more than debaucherous reality detached libertines and sodomites. Murray Rothbard spent some time associating with similar elements after his departure from the National Review back in the 60s, it was a disaster.

An Equal And Opposite Reaction
An Equal And Opposite Reaction

I had previously speculated their recent rise had a lot to do with the Ron Paul campaign. Ron Paul’s candidacy was about the single largest boost we’ve seen in people’s interest in libertarianism to date, and it moved the discussion considerably rightward. Simultaneously, it had anti-war Democrats registering Republican for a chance to vote in the primary, and getting involved in libertarian circles.

After being profoundly disrespected at the GOP convention, the movement largely began to embrace its anarchist roots. This seemed very positive at first, libertarians are anarchists whether they realize it or not, after all. But the shift contained a fatal flaw. This was not Rothbardian anarcho-capitalism, it was “voluntaryism”. It embraced the non-aggression principle, or at least it purported to, but it lacked certain underlying presumptions about the reality of the world. Instead, it replaced the ontological structure of the universe with what Rothbard called “The New Menace of Gandhism,” a mystical theology of dogmatic pacifist gobbledegook.

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