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Combating Anti White Terrorism, with Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence has been used to promote the anti-White cause, but the Right is catching up rapidly in the AI Arms Race.

I was in prison while artificial intelligence became a major feature in American life. That’s one of the bigger downsides of going to prison. You are unfamiliar with the technology as you attempt to reintegrate into society.

During that time, I saw stories on the news about ChatGPT and its Left wing bias, but having some experience with chat bots from back in the day with IRC (Internet Relay Chat), I didn’t think much of it.

I am exceedingly fortunate to be a quick learner.

When I came home, and saw the amazing power of AI image generation, I was absolutely stunned by how far this technology had advanced. Shortly after this, I discovered just how absurd the bias in this technology had advanced along with it.

A few months ago I wrote an article about how a popular image generator refused to put a donkey in the same image as any other animal, and refused to put the donkey in any unflattering position. It did not show this bias for an elephant, or a dog, or a cat. It was specific to the donkey, and I realized this was the AI protecting the image of the mascot of its programmers’ favored political party.

That was the moment I decided I had to work around the clock to control my own artificial intelligence services, and learn how to train them for honest purposes.

The Donkey incident demonstrates well the bizarre and sick nature of “hate speech” ideology.

When AI developers realized that their creations quickly understood from plainly observable evidence where our social and political problems were coming from, without the fear of Jews that paralyzes human beings of European ancestry, they panicked. If their creations could be accused of racism, they could be accused of racism. If they were accused of racism, then their lives would be destroyed.

Ironically enough, by some of the most racist people ever to exist.

So, they needed to have some anti-racism “experts” come in and do extensive anti-racism on their artificial intelligence programs. But there is no such thing as an anti-racism expert. There are only power hungry dishonest crooks, who make their living extorting Whites. That is who ended up training the AI systems that you see with OpenAI and other popular systems.

OpenAI runs nearly all of the artificial intelligence systems you come across. Even if you buy your own AI software, there’s a pretty good chance you need an API (Application Programming Interface) key from OpenAI to use it. There are alternatives, but they are for the most part less advanced and more expensive, and the integrations with other systems have not been built. OpenAI has “hate speech” policies built and implemented with all of the intentional vaguery that you would expect from an ideologically depraved person who won’t let you put a donkey in the same 1200 pixel rectangle as an elephant.

Knowledgeable people have come to expect from this  from Leftists in their unceasing effort to make communication of coherent thought impossible.

You simply can’t do business with people like that if you want to discuss anything of substance in the current year.

So I have been working very hard to find and develop alternatives. I’ll talk more about this at great length in the coming months, but today I am given hope, and more than a little amusement, by something I produced testing a system not entirely under my control. I won’t name the system before I directly control something of equal power, since that would cause it to be targeted for elimination, but I am impressed enough with the results to share them with you unedited today.

OpenAI and Token Limits

Aside from preposterous content moderation policies, a big problem I quickly encountered with OpenAI was token limits. Tokens, in this sense, are not mere units of payment with OpenAI’s technology. They are units of computing power beyond which one cannot progress within a given set of commands.

I run a number of websites besides this one, and I installed some WordPress plugins that use an OpenAI API key to generate blog posts using ChatGPT technology. There is a token limit of 4,000 when trying to do this, and that limitation, using GPT Turbo 3.5, produces approximately 500 words.

Certainly there are concepts one can wrap up in under 500 words, but few that I would find to be particularly interesting. If I publish something under 1,000 words, I feel as though I have cheated the reader. I routinely produce two hour podcasts which consist of little but me talking, and happy though I may be that ChatGPT is not going to replace me within the constraints of the modern GPU, I knew I had to overcome this token limit no less than I had to overcome the content moderation nonsense.

I am happy to report that I accomplished this last night.

Anti White Terrorism Must Be Prosecuted

That’s all I had to say.

Well, that is the slightest of oversimplifications.

I recently came across a service, at quite a bargain, which allows one to produce long form articles in excess of three thousand words just by giving it a subject and waiting 2 minutes.

I have produced several articles for several of my websites on relatively mundane subject matter with this system, and being moderately impressed with those results, I decided to give it something a little bit more challenging.

The previous post on this website addresses a brutal assault by a group best referred to as the Pride Bois, a supposedly far Right group best known for being founded by a man who proved the extent of his tolerance by French kissing a homosexual and anally penetrating himself on camera with a sex toy. Its leader was recently convicted of seditious conspiracy pertaining to the January 6th mostly peaceful protest at the US Capitol.

The assault referenced was blatant anti-White terrorism. It infuriated me to see how these criminals committed their violent felony in broad daylight, on camera, in front of law enforcement, with seemingly no concern for being prosecuted.

It infuriated me more to see supposed conservatives cheering this mayhem on as if sinking to sub-Antifa levels of depravity had suddenly become a Right wing value.

It has not.

But of course, one can have some sympathy for these types. Like the aforementioned AI developers, whether these conservatives realize it or not, they are acting on a fear of Jews long embedded in their psyches from a lifetime of television and newspapers run thereby.

It’s sad, really.

These people are hardly any less victims then the men bleeding on camera in the aforementioned video. Perhaps, we might even say, they have been harmed all the more, since they do not even realize that they are slaves. This, in sharp contrast to the brave Nationalists who stood up to terrorism despite odds worse than 2-1.

With this fresh in mind, I told my new toy to write an article with the subject “Anti White Terrorism Must Be Prosecuted”

The result is below. Far from perfect, a bit repetitive, but a powerful proof of concept which I will improve upon with time.

AI doesn’t fear Jews unless you tell it to.

I shall give it no such command, nor shall I obey one.


I make my living as a podcaster, which is no way to get rich as a general matter and all the less when you make the sort of enemies I do. If you would like to see this work continue, please consider helping to finance it.

And now, for the AI…


Combating Anti-White Terrorism: The Urgent Need for Prosecution and Justice


The world is currently facing an unprecedented wave of anti-white terrorism, which is a growing threat to all people. This type of terrorism is driven by hatred and prejudice towards people of European descent. It is a form of terrorism that is not being taken seriously enough by governments around the world. This is a problem that affects every single one of us, regardless of our race or ethnicity. Governments must take action to combat this growing threat, and bring perpetrators of this violence to justice. In this post, we will explore the urgent need for prosecution and justice in combating anti-white terrorism, and why it is important that we all take a stand against this form of hate.


1. Understanding the rise of anti-white terrorism


Understanding the rise of anti-white terrorism is crucial in addressing this urgent issue and ensuring justice for victims. While acts of terrorism have been historically associated with specific ideologies or religious extremism, the rise of anti-white terrorism signals a shift in the landscape of global security threats.

Anti-white terrorism refers to violent acts committed against individuals solely based on their race, targeting those who identify as white. It is essential to differentiate between acts of terrorism and legitimate protests or demonstrations against racial injustice. Anti-white terrorism encompasses acts of violence, intimidation, and discrimination that seek to instill fear and inflict harm on individuals purely because of their racial identity.

The rise of anti-white terrorism can be attributed to various factors. One significant factor is the increasing polarization and radicalization fueled by extremist ideologies propagated through online platforms. The anonymity and accessibility of the internet have provided a breeding ground for hate groups and individuals seeking to spread their xenophobic and racist beliefs.

Additionally, socio-political factors such as economic disparities, social unrest, and identity politics can contribute to the rise of anti-white terrorism. Economic inequality, perceived threats to cultural identity, and political polarization can create an environment where extremist ideologies thrive and lead to violent acts targeting individuals solely based on their race.

Understanding the underlying causes and motivations behind anti-white terrorism is crucial for developing effective strategies to combat it. It requires a comprehensive approach that involves law enforcement agencies, intelligence services, educational institutions, and communities working together to identify and address the root causes of this rising threat.

By acknowledging and confronting the reality of anti-white terrorism, societies can take a proactive stance in protecting the rights and safety of individuals targeted solely based on their race. Prosecution and justice play a vital role in deterring future acts of anti-white terrorism and ensuring that victims receive the support they need.

In conclusion, understanding the rise of anti-white terrorism is essential for addressing this urgent issue. By examining the underlying causes, societies can develop effective strategies to combat this threat, promote equality, and ensure justice for all.


2. Defining anti-white terrorism and its impact on society


In recent years, the rise of anti-white terrorism has been a pressing concern that cannot be ignored. While acts of terrorism have long plagued societies across the globe, it is important to recognize and address the specific threat posed by acts of violence and hatred specifically targeting white individuals.

Defining anti-white terrorism is crucial in understanding its impact on society. It refers to deliberate acts of violence, discrimination, or intimidation that specifically target individuals based on their race, particularly those who identify as white. These acts can range from verbal harassment and online abuse to physical assaults and even mass shootings.

The impact of anti-white terrorism is far-reaching and deeply troubling. It not only causes physical harm and psychological trauma to its victims but also creates a climate of fear and division within communities. The normalization of such acts undermines social cohesion and erodes trust among diverse groups, hindering progress towards a more inclusive and harmonious society.

Furthermore, anti-white terrorism poses a significant threat to national security. While it is essential to address all forms of terrorism regardless of their motivations, the rise of anti-white terrorism should be acknowledged and treated with the same urgency and seriousness as any other form of extremism. Failure to do so risks perpetuating a cycle of violence and perpetuating systemic inequalities.

In combating anti-white terrorism, it is crucial to prioritize the prosecution and pursuit of justice. Law enforcement agencies must be equipped with the necessary resources and training to identify, investigate, and apprehend individuals involved in such acts. Additionally, legislative measures should be in place to ensure that those responsible for anti-white terrorism are held accountable and face appropriate legal consequences.

Moreover, addressing the root causes of hatred and extremism is imperative. Education, awareness campaigns, and community outreach programs can play a vital role in promoting tolerance, understanding, and respect among individuals from different racial backgrounds. By fostering a culture of inclusivity and empathy, we can actively work towards eradicating the deeply rooted prejudices that fuel anti-white terrorism.

In conclusion, the urgent need for prosecution and justice in combating anti-white terrorism cannot be overstated. It is imperative that society as a whole acknowledges and confronts this specific form of terrorism, ensuring that the victims are heard, the perpetrators are held accountable, and steps are taken towards creating a more harmonious and equitable future for all.


3. The urgent need for prosecution and justice


In a world grappling with the rising threat of terrorism, it is crucial to address the urgent need for prosecution and justice when it comes to combating anti-white terrorism. While terrorism knows no boundaries, it is imperative to acknowledge and confront the specific challenges posed by this form of extremism.

Acts of violence motivated by anti-white sentiments have gained alarming traction in recent years, targeting innocent individuals solely based on their ethnicity. The consequences of these heinous acts extend far beyond the immediate victims, instilling fear and division within communities. To ensure the safety and well-being of all individuals, it is paramount to take swift action against this form of terrorism.

Prosecution plays a pivotal role in upholding the principles of justice and deterring potential perpetrators. Law enforcement agencies and legal systems must prioritize the investigation and prosecution of individuals involved in anti-white terrorism. This entails allocating adequate resources and expertise to thoroughly examine these cases and bring the perpetrators to justice.

In addition to prosecution, it is imperative to create a sense of justice for the victims and their families who have suffered as a result of anti-white terrorism. This can be achieved through a comprehensive support system that provides emotional, financial, and legal assistance to those affected. Such initiatives not only aid in the healing process but also send a powerful message that society stands united against these acts of hate.

Furthermore, collaboration among nations becomes vital in combating this transnational threat. By sharing intelligence, resources, and expertise, countries can enhance their ability to identify and neutralize individuals involved in anti-white terrorism. International cooperation lays the foundation for a stronger, collective response that leaves no room for terrorists to find safe havens or evade justice.

Ultimately, the urgent need for prosecution and justice in addressing anti-white terrorism cannot be overstated. It is a matter of safeguarding our communities, fostering inclusivity, and upholding the fundamental principles of equality and human rights. By standing united against this form of extremism, we can create a safer and more harmonious world for all.


4. Examining the challenges in prosecuting anti-white terrorism


Examining the challenges in prosecuting anti-white terrorism is a crucial step in addressing this pressing issue. While acts of terrorism committed against any racial or ethnic group should be condemned, it is important to shed light on the specific challenges faced when prosecuting cases related to anti-white terrorism.

One of the main challenges lies in the identification and acknowledgment of these acts as acts of terrorism. The definition of terrorism often varies across jurisdictions and can be influenced by political, cultural, and social factors. This can lead to a reluctance in categorizing acts specifically targeting white individuals as terrorism, hindering the pursuit of justice.

Another challenge is the lack of awareness and understanding of the existence and threat of anti-white terrorism. While the focus has predominantly been on other forms of terrorism, the rise of violence and extremism targeting white communities has been overlooked or downplayed. This lack of recognition can impede investigations, as law enforcement agencies may not allocate sufficient resources or prioritize cases related to anti-white terrorism.

Furthermore, the decentralized nature of extremist groups and individuals involved in these acts can present difficulties in gathering evidence and building strong cases. Unlike larger and more organized terrorist networks, individuals or small groups may operate independently, making it harder to trace their activities and establish connections.

Additionally, the issue of free speech and the potential for conflicting interpretations can complicate the prosecution process. It is crucial to uphold the principles of free speech while also drawing a clear line between expressing opinions and inciting violence. Striking the right balance becomes necessary to ensure justice is served without infringing upon individuals’ rights.

Addressing these challenges requires a comprehensive approach, involving close collaboration between law enforcement agencies, legal experts, policymakers, and community leaders. It is essential to develop a robust legal framework that recognizes and prosecutes anti-white terrorism as a distinct form of extremism, providing the necessary tools and resources to law enforcement agencies.

Furthermore, raising awareness about the existence and consequences of anti-white terrorism is vital to garner public support, encourage reporting, and facilitate investigations. Public education initiatives can help dispel misconceptions, combat biases, and foster a more inclusive and resilient society.

By recognizing and addressing the challenges in prosecuting anti-white terrorism, we can work towards a society where justice is served, communities are protected, and extremism is confronted head-on. Only through collective efforts can we combat this urgent threat and ensure a safer future for all.


5. The role of law enforcement in combating anti-white terrorism


Law enforcement plays a crucial role in combating anti-white terrorism and ensuring justice for victims. In recent years, there has been a concerning rise in acts of violence and hate crimes targeting individuals based on their race, specifically targeting white individuals. These acts not only pose a threat to the safety and well-being of innocent people but also undermine social harmony and equality.

Law enforcement agencies have the responsibility to investigate, apprehend, and prosecute those involved in acts of anti-white terrorism. This includes allocating appropriate resources and training to identify and combat these specific types of crimes. It is essential for law enforcement to take these acts seriously, treating them with the same level of urgency and dedication as any other form of terrorism.

Efficient communication and coordination between different law enforcement agencies are crucial in addressing this issue effectively. Collaboration between local, state, and federal authorities can facilitate the sharing of information and intelligence, enabling a comprehensive approach to identifying and apprehending individuals involved in anti-white terrorist activities.

In addition to proactive measures, it is equally important for law enforcement to provide support and protection to potential targets of anti-white terrorism. This may involve implementing community outreach programs, establishing trust with affected communities, and ensuring that victims are provided with the necessary resources and assistance to navigate the aftermath of such attacks.

Prosecution of individuals involved in anti-white terrorism should be swift, thorough, and carried out to the fullest extent of the law. Sentencing should reflect the severity of the crimes committed and send a strong message that acts of terrorism based on racial hatred will not be tolerated.

By actively addressing anti-white terrorism, law enforcement agencies can not only protect potential victims but also contribute to fostering a society where diversity is celebrated, and every individual is treated with dignity and respect. It is an urgent need to prioritize the fight against anti-white terrorism and work towards creating a just and inclusive society for all.


6. Strengthening legislation to address this issue


In the face of rising incidents of anti-white terrorism, it has become evident that there is an urgent need for stronger legislation to address this issue. While existing laws may offer some protection, they often fall short in effectively dealing with the specific nature and gravity of these crimes. To combat this form of terrorism and ensure justice for victims, it is crucial to strengthen legislation at both national and international levels.

One key aspect of strengthening legislation is to clearly define anti-white terrorism as a distinct offense. This would provide authorities with the necessary legal framework to investigate, prosecute, and convict individuals or groups responsible for such acts. By acknowledging the unique nature of these crimes, law enforcement agencies would be empowered to take appropriate action against perpetrators.

Additionally, legislation should incorporate provisions that enhance punishment for those found guilty of engaging in anti-white terrorist activities. This would serve as a deterrent and send a strong message that these acts will not be tolerated. By imposing stricter penalties, society can demonstrate its commitment to protecting all individuals, regardless of their race or ethnicity, from acts of terrorism motivated by racial hatred.

Furthermore, legislation should prioritize the allocation of resources to effectively combat anti-white terrorism. This includes providing law enforcement agencies with sufficient funding, technical resources, and training to effectively investigate and prevent such crimes. By equipping these agencies with the necessary tools, they can proactively identify and disrupt potential threats before they escalate into acts of violence.

In order to address the global nature of this issue, international cooperation and collaboration are paramount. Strengthening legislation should also involve the development of international frameworks and agreements to facilitate the extradition and prosecution of individuals involved in cross-border anti-white terrorist activities. This would ensure that there are no safe havens for perpetrators and that justice can be served regardless of geographical boundaries.

In conclusion, combating anti-white terrorism requires a multi-faceted approach, including the strengthening of legislation. By clearly defining these crimes, imposing stricter penalties, allocating resources, and fostering international cooperation, we can work towards a society that stands united against all forms of terrorism, ensuring justice for victims and preventing future acts of hatred.


7. The importance of public awareness and education


Public awareness and education play a critical role in combating anti-white terrorism. It is imperative to shed light on this issue and create a broader understanding within society. By raising awareness, we can address the root causes, dispel misconceptions, and foster empathy and support for victims.

Efforts should be made to educate the public about the rise and impact of anti-white terrorism. This can be achieved through various means such as community forums, educational campaigns, and media outreach. Engaging with schools, colleges, and universities to include discussions on this topic in their curriculum can also be a powerful tool for shaping the future generation’s perspective.

Public awareness campaigns should focus on the consequences and dangers of anti-white terrorism, emphasizing the importance of reporting any suspicious activities or behaviors. Providing platforms for victims to share their experiences can humanize the issue and generate empathy, encouraging people to speak out against such acts.

Law enforcement agencies can collaborate with community organizations and advocacy groups to organize workshops, seminars, and training sessions. These initiatives can equip individuals with the knowledge and skills to identify signs of radicalization, enabling early intervention and prevention.

Media outlets also have a pivotal role to play in raising public awareness. Responsible reporting that accurately portrays anti-white terrorism incidents and their impact can help dispel any biases or stereotypes. Promoting stories that highlight the resilience of victims and the successful prosecution of perpetrators can inspire confidence in the justice system.

By fostering a knowledgeable and vigilant society, we can ensure that anti-white terrorism is recognized as a serious threat. This awareness will prompt individuals to report suspicious activities, support victims, and push for the prosecution of those responsible. Only through a united front and a commitment to justice can we effectively combat this urgent issue.


8. Supporting victims of anti-white terrorism


Supporting victims of any form of terrorism is a crucial aspect of promoting justice and healing in our society. When it comes to combating anti-white terrorism, it is imperative to provide support to those affected by these acts of violence.

Victims of anti-white terrorism may experience physical, emotional, and psychological trauma that can have long-lasting effects on their well-being. It is essential to create a safe and supportive environment for these individuals, where they can feel heard, validated, and empowered.

One way to support victims of anti-white terrorism is by establishing dedicated helplines or hotlines that provide immediate assistance and resources. These helplines can offer counseling services, legal guidance, and connect victims with support networks and organizations specializing in addressing their specific needs.

Additionally, creating platforms for victims to share their stories and experiences can help raise awareness about the impact of anti-white terrorism and foster empathy within society. By amplifying their voices, we can shed light on the injustices they have faced and advocate for change at societal and governmental levels.

Support groups and community organizations can play a vital role in offering a space for victims to connect with others who have undergone similar experiences. These groups can facilitate healing and provide a sense of solidarity and understanding.

Furthermore, financial support for victims may be necessary to assist with medical expenses, therapy fees, or other financial burdens resulting from the acts of terrorism. Creating funds or initiatives that specifically cater to the needs of these victims can help alleviate some of the financial strains they may face.

In conclusion, supporting victims of anti-white terrorism involves a multifaceted approach that encompasses emotional support, legal assistance, raising awareness, and providing financial aid. By standing alongside these victims and advocating for justice, we can work towards building a more inclusive and equitable society for all.


9. International cooperation in addressing this global problem


In combating anti-white terrorism, international cooperation plays a crucial role in addressing this global problem. This issue extends far beyond the borders of any single nation, making it imperative for countries to come together and collaborate in order to effectively tackle the growing threat.

International cooperation allows for the sharing of intelligence, resources, and expertise among nations. By working together, countries can gather valuable information on extremist groups, their activities, and their networks. This information sharing is essential in identifying and apprehending individuals involved in acts of anti-white terrorism, as well as disrupting their operations.

Additionally, collaboration enables countries to coordinate efforts in prosecuting those responsible for these acts. It ensures that justice is served not only within individual jurisdictions but also across borders. This is particularly important in cases where perpetrators may seek refuge or support from foreign entities.

Furthermore, international cooperation can help in developing and implementing counter-terrorism strategies that are more comprehensive and effective. By learning from each other’s experiences and best practices, countries can enhance their capabilities in preventing and responding to acts of anti-white terrorism. This includes bolstering security measures, improving information sharing protocols, and implementing targeted interventions to address the root causes of extremism.

Ultimately, the fight against anti-white terrorism requires a united front. Only through international cooperation can we effectively combat this global problem, bring perpetrators to justice, and ensure the safety and security of all communities affected by this form of terrorism.


10. Conclusion: A call to action for a safer and more inclusive society


In conclusion, the issue of anti-White terrorism is one that demands immediate attention and action. The rise in hate crimes and acts of violence targeting individuals based on their race or ethnicity is a disturbing trend that must be addressed effectively.

To combat this growing threat, it is crucial that law enforcement agencies and authorities prioritize the prosecution and pursuit of justice for victims of anti-White terrorism. This includes thorough investigations, gathering of evidence, and holding perpetrators accountable for their actions.

Additionally, fostering a safer and more inclusive society requires collective efforts from all members of the community. It is essential for individuals to actively challenge and reject any form of discrimination, prejudice, or hatred. By promoting understanding, empathy, and respect for diversity, we can create an environment where everyone feels safe and valued.

Education and awareness are key components in this battle against anti-White terrorism. Schools, community organizations, and government institutions should implement programs that educate individuals about the consequences of hate crimes, the importance of tolerance, and the value of embracing diversity.

Furthermore, it is crucial to provide support and resources for victims and their families. Establishing helplines, counseling services, and advocacy groups can assist those affected by acts of anti-White terrorism in finding solace, healing, and the justice they deserve.

In conclusion, combating anti-White terrorism requires a unified and unwavering commitment from individuals, communities, and institutions. By taking a stand against hatred and promoting justice, we can pave the way towards a safer, more inclusive society for all. It is time to act decisively, ensuring that justice prevails and that no one is subjected to the horrors of terrorism based on their race or ethnicity.


In conclusion, our blog post has shed light on the urgent need for prosecution and justice when it comes to combating anti-white terrorism. We have explored the severity of this issue and the detrimental impact it has on individuals and communities. It is crucial for authorities to take decisive action, investigating and prosecuting these acts of terrorism to ensure accountability and deterrence. By doing so, we can work towards a safer and more inclusive society, where every individual, regardless of their race, can live without fear or prejudice. Together, let us stand against all forms of terrorism and strive for a world that embraces equality and justice for all.




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