Is The NSA Spying on Barack Obama?

Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I’m one of those guys who thinks we don’t see the real power structure of government. It would stand to reason, that if the people in power changed every 2, 4, and 6 years, the policies would change with them. As we’ve all seen, they never do, aside from…...

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Lucas Jewell Discloses Testimony in Kokesh Grand Jury

As relayed to me by a third party, I have Lucas blocked on facebook… The government flew me out to DC from Florida at a total cost of just over $800 to have me talk in front of the “grand jury”… It’s very clear that the government is keeping a very close eye on social…...

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Chris Cantwell Banned From Keene Activist Center, Again…

It was brought to my attention some time ago, that my post about Gabby Giffords had once again ruffled the feathers of Keene pacifists. Today it has been brought to my attention by Garrett Ean, that I have had my “invitation revoked”. Not that big of a deal, really. I had declined to renew my…...

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Walmart Is Promoting Violence

At 30 years old, Kristopher Oswald has never been in a fight as an adult. He weighs 140 lbs, wears glasses, and describes himself as a “huge nerd” who spends much of his time in a comic shop. If you were being assaulted in a parking lot, there’s probably a very long list of people…...

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Stupid, or Evil?

One great division amongst libertarians is about “conspiracy theories”. I hate to use that term, because while a lot of the things people like Alex Jones talk about are complete nonsense, the term “conspiracy theory” is used to dismiss an idea without considering it, and a lot of things commonly dismissed as “conspiracy theory” are…...

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Freedom is about Freedom, Not Your Other Bullshit.

Yesterday I got into it with a guy over whether or not pot cures cancer… Today it’s about political correctness… Other days it’s about religion… Conspiracy theories, GMO foods, drug use, misogyny, sexual conduct, the list goes on, everybody has a pet fuckin issue. None of it has any more to do with “the liberty movement”…...

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Traffic Begging Attention Whores

I’ve sort of become known as a guy who responds to people who talk about him. Some people, like Stefan Molyneux, have seen that as a really good reason to pretend I don’t exist. Other people, who will not be named, think it’s a good way to draw traffic to their websites. There’s a certain…...

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Stacy Litz, The Liberty Snitch

Meet Stacy Litz, Stacy was a member of Students for Liberty, the Drexel Student Liberty Front, Center for a Stateless Society, and presumably numerous other activist outlets. She has been to Porcfest. Lot’s of people know and (used to) trust her, as a well liked member of the liberty community. I should say ahead…...

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