Radical Agenda S06E022 – S-Poasting

Some days, you want to convey a cohesive theme. Some days, you just want to shitpost. This is a day of the latter sort, and we here at the Radical Agenda feel entirely justified in this given the 20,000+ word masterpiece just published as “Sustained Action on the Path to Sovereignty“, which ought not be […]

Sustained Action on the Path to Sovereignty

The Nationalist movement in the United States, and other Nationalist movements, face many challenges. Most notably, they are opposed by the most powerful forces on the Earth, and those forces maintain their power through means that repel a mind prone to moral contemplation. To overcome these challenges, an intentional and cohesive strategy is required. What […]

Radical Agenda S06E021 – Colored Blind

Episode 42 of the Radical Agenda was titled “Willful Blindness” and was an important moment in the history of this production. During that episode, I discussed a lunatic who, much like the transgender freaks, felt like there was something wrong with her body. Jewel Shuping was diagnosed with something called “Body Integrity Identity Disorder” and […]

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