Big Surprise In My Criminal Appeal

So, you might have heard I had to do a little prison time because the FBI allowed a bunch of criminals to torment me for months while I repeatedly reported their crimes to law enforcement. The FBI was enjoying the show, and probably involved in it, so they didn’t do anything about my repeated reports. […]

SurrealPolitiks Shipping Calculator Fixed

As you may know if you’ve been keeping up, we recently put the last of the Radical Agenda merch up for sale on Not long after the SurrealPolitiks shop went live, we discovered a problem with our shipping calculator. Some shoppers were quoted shipping rates that ranged from overpriced to outrageous. This problem has been […]

Interview with Shire Free Media

I recently sat for an interview with a fellow many of you have heard me with before. He used to do a show called “Questioning Authority” that I have been on a few times. Now publishing at Shire Free Media, Vincent has titled the interview “Ides of March” given the date we spoke. I’ll embed […]

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