VIDEO: Hooray! The Government Shutdown is Over!

Wow, just in time! I mean, it’s almost like they planned it this way or something. By the way, why didn’t Ted Cruz or Rand Paul do anything to stop this?… This content is for Monthly Premium Membership and Yearly Premium Membership members only.Join NowAlready a member? Log in here...

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World’s Largest Democracy Has Highest Slave Population

India, the world’s most populous democratic State, is also home to the highest population of slaves on planet Earth, according to The 2013 Global Slavery Index, published by Australia’s Walk Free Foundation. The United States ranks 134 out of a possible 162, with 162 being the least enslaved population. The report estimates that 29.8 million…...

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Update on Edward Yealey, Legal Open Carrier Arrested in Philly

I recently reported to you about Edward Yealey, aka Edd Skitz, aka Open Carry Edd, being detained, harassed, and arrested for open carrying his Glock 30 in Philly, despite having a legal license to carry. Edd came to me last night, with an update on that case, looking for people to help out. Since this…...

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How To Gain Admin Access in Windows

Whether you lost your password, had a mischievous significant other change it on you, or just want to gain access to the computer that controls the prison gates, there comes a time in everyone’s life, when they need more access to the computer than they have at the moment.   So I was glad when…...

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Not Everyone Is Happy The Government Shutdown Has Ended

Early Thursday morning, President Obama signed into law a bill that would fund the government through January, and allow the treasury to continue borrowing money through February. More on that later, now for the memes…. This content is for Monthly Premium Membership and Yearly Premium Membership members only.Join NowAlready a member? Log in here...

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Creating Culture on Peace News Now

Last night I had the pleasure of joining Derrick J. Freeman on his show, Peace News Now. I sort of guest hosted for the first hour of the show, having the opportunity to speak with Ian Freeman of Free Talk Live, Tatiana Moroz, and Chase Rachels of the Blue Ridge Liberty Project…. This content is...

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Everything You Ever Needed To Know About Facebook

  If you don’t like something you see on facebook, don’t read it. This saves you the trouble of using the reporting feature, and looking like a bitch…. This content is for Monthly Premium Membership and Yearly Premium Membership members only.Join NowAlready a member? Log in here...

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2 Days From “Default”, Fitch Warns They “Might” Lower US Credit Rating

As Republicans, Democrats, and the propaganda ministries commonly referred to as mainstream media, shout from the rooftops that the sky is indeed falling, and a default on US Sovereign debt is imminent, Fitch warns that they, might, possibly, could, maybe, consider lowering the credit rating of the US Government, just a tad, maybe, perhaps, we’ll…...

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Starving Statists Turn To Charity As Their False God Fails Them

“Who would feed the poor?” You’ll often hear statists say, in discussions with anarchists. Rather than explain the total economic conditions that would change and make food cheap and abundant, it’s usually easier to tell them that private charity would step in. Statists of course scoff at the notion, surely without the coercion of taxation,…...

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Bombs Are Not Terrorism, Bumper Stickers Are

Explosions rocked Los Angeles International Airport for the second time in two days, at approximately 8:30pm local time, Monday evening. Both explosions were caused by dry ice inside a plastic container, left inside an employee restroom, off limits to the general public. I’d say inside job, but I don’t want to sound like a conspiracy…...

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