Ian Freeman Kicked out of Free State Project

In April of 2012 I moved to New Hampshire, joining hundreds of other libertarians in a political migration commonly referred to as The Free State Project. There is a corporation one might consider to be at the head of this, known as the Free State Project, herein referred to as FSP inc. Differentiating between the political…...

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A Strategic Libertarian Case Against Non-Violent Degeneracy

Ask ten different libertarians about their political priorities, and you’re likely to get ten different answers. These might range from the quite moderate like marijuana decriminalization or a tax reduction, all the way to the more dramatic like the complete overhaul or abolition of the entire State apparatus. Ask still others, and you’ll find priorities that…...

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Radical Agenda EP016 – Cops: Blocked and Unblocked

Cantwell's Secret Stash Radical Agenda EP016 - Cops: Blocked and Unblocked Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds 00:00 / Subscribe Share RSS Feed Share Link Embed Download file | Play in new window | Recorded on June 17, 2015 | Download transcriptThe annual Porcupine Freedom Festival in...

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I Almost Killed Somebody Last Night

Recently, there have been some thefts at my friend Ian’s house. So I have been taking it upon myself to sit on his porch at night in an effort to catch the crooks in the act. Last night I was there until around 3am, and on my way home, I heard women crying, and men yelling…...

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Ethan Glover – Another Saboteur Arrives in Keene

When people try to put together a mass political migration, it pays to be welcoming. Folks pick up their lives and make a go of it in a new place, presumably because they share the same values, and so you want to go out of your way to make them feel at home. This is done largely…...

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Keene Heroin Bust Leads to Senseless Cheerleading

Keene, the city I today call home, is a quaint little town near the New Hampshire/Vermont border. Dominated by Democrats, it is perhaps the least free place in all of New Hampshire. While a far cry from the statist hellhole I came from in New York, the people here still wholeheartedly believe in the power of government…....

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My Path to Radical Celebritarianism

This post took a few turns since I first started it. As some of you may be aware, I’m working on a book, and this website is part of that project. I’m basically sharing my notes with all of you as I write them, and at some point these notes will be weaved into a…...

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Open Letter to the Free State Project Board

To the members of the Free State Project’s board of directors, You surely recall an incident from last year when I was kicked out of your organization for advocating violence in an article titled “Concord Police, Go and Get Your Bearcat“. One of your board members contacted me, asking me to retract statements, under threat…...

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Just when, and where exactly are the time and place for peace?

This is a piece I wrote in 2012 about the Memorial Day Parade in Keene, NH. Happy Nationalist War Propaganda Day! Today, people across the country are holding parades, having barbeques, and taking the day off of work in celebration of the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people, who were conned into dying for…...

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