Radical Agenda EP036 – Constitution Day

Christopher Cantwell's Radical Agenda Radical Agenda EP036 - Constitution Day Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds 00:00 / Subscribe Share RSS Feed Share Link Embed Download file | Play in new window | Recorded on September 17, 2015 | Download transcriptIt’s constitution day! 228 years ago, the...

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Benton & Tate Indicted

Jesse Benton and John Tate have been indicted on charges of violating campaign finance laws during Ron Paul’s 2012 presidential campaign. Benton, who is married to Paul’s granddaughter, was the chair of the campaign committee. Tate was the campaign manager. Both are now heading up America’s Liberty, a super PAC supporting Rand Paul’s 2016 bid for…...

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My Utter Lack of Interest In Rand Paul

As I hear it, Rand Paul has announced his candidacy for President of the United States. Not only that, but he’s in New Hampshire right now. I could get in the car and go see him if I wanted to, but I think I would rather watch Game of Thrones reruns in preparation for Sunday’s…...

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Why Fake Being A Libertarian?

Why fake being a libertarian? They have no political power to speak of, hell, for the most part, they don’t even want political power. Certainly, there’s more money to be made by being a fake liberal, or a fake conservative? Right? If you were going to fake being something, it would probably make a lot…...

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If You’re Going To Believe in Politics, Get Used To Endorsing Tyrants

Rand Paul made headlines Wednesday with his endorsement of Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell’s reelection campaign. McConnell, also from Kentucky, is widely viewed as an “establishment” Republican, so the move came as a stunning blow to tea partiers, and political libertarians alike, who had hoped to mount a primary challenge against McConnell in 2014. It…...

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VIDEO: Hooray! The Government Shutdown is Over!

Wow, just in time! I mean, it’s almost like they planned it this way or something. By the way, why didn’t Ted Cruz or Rand Paul do anything to stop this?… This content is for Monthly Premium Membership and Yearly Premium Membership members only.Join NowAlready a member? Log in here...

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VIDEO: Ron Paul on Jay Leno “I Believe In Voluntarism”

Three time presidential candidate, and 12 term congressman Ron Paul, appeared on the Jay Leno show last night. He discussed, Obamacare, social security, gun control, Rand Paul, highway safety, education, and more. He once again confirmed, for all those who hadn’t been listening all the other times he said it, that he believes in voluntarism…....

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Rand Paul/Ted Cruz Fans Make Obama Supporters Look Smart

With all the deceptions the Obama administration has perpetrated against its, largely still supportive, left wing base, it is no small task to make these willing victims look intelligent. But that’s exactly what Senators Rand Paul and Ted Cruz have done, by duping their supporters. Rand Paul glided into office on the wings of an…...

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BREAKING: Senate Filibuster Is Just Politicians Talking

 UPDATE: 10:26am EST.   If you needed any further confirmation that this was all a show, Ted Cruz asked Harry Reid for time to “filibuster” and it was granted to him. This isn’t a filibuster, it’s not going to delay the vote by one nanosecond. This was just an up all night entertainment program for insomniac politicos…...

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