Best of Luck, Justin Bourque

Damn those loose Canadian gun laws! If only the NRA had less influence on the Canadian government! Didn’t those greedy capitalist gun nuts learn anything from Sandy Hook? Oh, that’s right, this kind of rhetoric makes even less sense in Canada than it does in the United States, where it is just as frivolous. If…...

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NH Cops Turn Argument Into Shootout, House Fire

Brentwood, NH Police Officer Steve Arkell Dead After Turning Argument Into Shootout. Well, that escalated quickly. One police officer, and one “suspect” are dead after what began as a domestic argument Monday in a 55 and older community in Brentwood, NH, ended in a gun fight and exploding home. 86 year old Walter Nolan, lived…...

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How Would an Anarcho-Capitalist Society Repel Invasion?

Can Anarcho-Capitalist Defense Forces Replace a Government Military? The final vestige of someone clinging to government force is often the military. Especially when we’re dealing with folks who may have been more right leaning in their previous political life, the military holds a special place in the hearts of statists. We’ve all been raised our…...

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Violently Overthrow The Government

It is not impossible, impractical, or immoral to overthrow the government. The ideas of what a free society is, or ought to be, are pretty well established. Surely, there will need to be a great deal of outreach for more people to understand those ideas before they take hold, but the questions of defense, roads,…...

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The Nativity Scene, Starring Trayvon Martin as Baby Jesus

I’m all for blaspheme, but this makes me nauseous. The LA Times is reporting, that Claremont United Methodist Church in Claremont California, has constructed a nativity scene for the holidays, as many churches do. What differs from most nativity scenes, is instead of a baby Jesus, there will be a bloody gangster wannabe, slumped over in…...

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Leftists Celebrate The Death Of Mikhail Kalashnikov

Mikhail Kalashnikov, famed inventor of the AK-47 rifle is dead. We don’t yet have word on cause of death, except to say that it was of natural causes at the age of 94. The Kalashnikov is world’s most famous assault rifle. The AK came from the Russian word “avtomat” which meant automatic rifle, followed by…...

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New York City Moves Towards Gun Confiscation

The next time a politician says “We’re not going to take your guns away”, tell him “that’s what they said in New York”. The Truth About Guns posted a notice sent to a New York City resident, demanding he turn in his rifle. The notice, which reads “Immediately surrender your rifle and/or shotgun to your local…...

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At Least Paul Ciancia Wasn’t a Sheep

No innocent people were hurt when 23 year old Paul A. Ciancia opened fire on the rapists and pedophiles who wear the uniform of the Transportation Security Administration. The New Jersey native went to Los Angeles International Airport with a mission, to kill government agents who habitually assault, molest, kidnap, rob, and harass their fellow man…...

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VIDEO: Use of Force Debate at Keenevention 2013

Ian Freeman of Free Talk Live, Derrick J Freeman of Peace News Now, and myself sat down for a two hour long discussion on the moral and tactical implications of the use of force in the fight for liberty in our lifetimes at Keenevention 2013, in Keene, New Hampshire. It was my first appearance in…...

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Trayvon Martin’s Mother Is A Worthless Sack Of Shit

Sybrina Fulton, mother to maggot food Trayvon Martin, appeared before the US Senate today to politicize the well deserved death of her worthless piece of shit child. Trayvon was shot to death in February of 2012 as he assaulted George Zimmerman, who was luckily armed at the time, with a 9mm semi automatic pistol. She…...

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