Pro White Hashtags Trend on Twitter

Pro White Hashtags Trend on Twitter

Over the past three days, three separate pro-white hashtags have trended on Twitter. Neoreactionaries, or Alt-Right types, with whom I’m still getting acquainted, started the trends, and the results might surprise you.

A brief note to the regular reader. I know we’ve talked about race a lot lately. I know most of you didn’t sign up for this. We’ll get back to bashing social justice warriors and the State soon enough, I promise. But this is important.

A brief note to the new reader. I’ve stumbled onto a bit of a rabbit hole lately since being fired from a radio gig for mentioning race and IQ.

Pro White Hashtags Trend on Twitter
Pro White Hashtags Trend on Twitter

When I say “pro-white” what does that conjure in your mind? For many, it conjures Hitler memes, the KKK, and violent skinhead gangs. Exterminating Jews, enslaving blacks, and smallpox blankets for native Americans.

I find that sort of odd. I can’t say I’m entirely surprised by it of course, but if you think about it, most of this is pretty old news. The KKK and skinhead gangs still exist of course, but they’re very marginalized groups and don’t represent any significant portion of modern white culture. Hitler has been dead longer than most of us have been alive, whites ended the slave trade well before other cultures, and the only things any of us know about smallpox is what we read in history books.

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