Unsure About "Cultural Libertarianism"

Unsure About “Cultural Libertarianism”

I recently shared a piece by Allum Bokhari at Breitbart titled “Rise of the Cultural Libertarians“. The featured image of the piece featured faces like Bill Maher’s, which instantly put me on edge. Anything that calls Bill Maher a libertarian ought to be thoroughly examined. The piece was a pleasant read about a response to political correctness though, so I shared it. Daniel Pryor at the Center for a Stateless Society had written a critique of the concept prior. Recently, Lauren Southern of Rebel Media released a YouTube video discussing the idea.

Unsure About "Cultural Libertarianism"
Unsure About “Cultural Libertarianism”

The idea being that violence – State sponsored or otherwise – is not the only threat to free speech. Cultural Marxists, social justice warriors, and even stuffy right wing religious fanatics, pose a threat to free expression through threats of boycott, phony manufactured outrage, shaming, and other non-violent tactics which should be combatted. I don’t entirely disagree with the notion here. I should know better than anybody about the power of these dangerously detached hysterics and censors to silence people. I have been expelled from numerous organizations, publications, outlets, and platforms for my writings and views, despite my obviously possessing the talent and intellect to entertain and enlighten a sizeable audience of my own.

So assigning a title like “Cultural Libertarian” to a movement aimed at fighting against these hate filled deniers of the ontological structure of the universe, really does appeal to me. I however fear the rhetoric almost mirrors that of our politically correct rivals. There is nothing wrong with using whatever resources are at one’s disposal to silence the opposition, the problem is that our opposition in this case is wrong about pretty much everything they say, and they are defeating us with these tactics. 

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