Update on Legal Threats from "Destiny" Price

More Threats from the Tolerance Mafia

David “Destiny” Price, a mentally ill transgendered male who thinks he is female, has threatened me repeatedly over the content of this blog. He started out by leaving me threatening voicemails saying that he would sue me and have me thrown in jail for “cyberbullying”. He then released a video saying that one of my readers would “get murdered” if he kept an appointment to meet (that video has since been removed).

Today I have had to remove two videos from my YouTube channel because David reported them to YouTube for “Privacy Violations” on account of his voice being included in the videos. This is an absolutely ridiculous claim, since David has his own YouTube channel where his voice is recorded saying all manner of things. Additionally, if David is so concerned about his privacy, then perhaps he shouldn’t be sending photos of his fake tranny tits to random strangers who text him.

Update on Legal Threats from "Destiny" Price
Update on Legal Threats from “Destiny” Price

In those videos, I was exposing a crime. David made false police reports and threats of bogus lawsuits, both of which are illegal. Unfortunately, YouTube’s support staff is notoriously impossible to communicate with, and a strike on my account could endanger my AdSense revenue and ability to live stream videos, as I do twice weekly for Radical Agenda. On this website I have reported repeatedly about libertarian YouTube stars having their channels taken down, and I do not have the star power that these personalities leveraged to get their channels back. So rather than contest the complaint, I have removed the videos in compliance with YouTube’s demands.

You can still get the audio of Radical Agenda Episode 38 here.

The video “How I Respond To Legal Threats” has been uploaded to this site, and is embedded at the bottom of this post.

Throughout this ordeal, two very important points I have been making were concretely solidified.

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