Fuck Martin Luther King Jr.

Today is Martin Luther King Day. It’s one of those days that makes me really glad I don’t have a regular 9-5 job, because I don’t want to take the day off to celebrate this man. The memes, the senseless repetition of government propaganda, the complete and total ignorance that will abound on this day just…...

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Molyneux: “If an officer commands you… obey”

Stefan Molyneux recently released a video about the Eric Garner situation in New York. To his credit, I think Stefan did an excellent job of pointing out the nonsense of the race hysteria surrounding the situation, and he closes out with an important message striking the root of the problem, not dissimilar to the piece I…...

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On Michael Brown, Tamir Rice, & Eric Garner

When racial hysteria dominates liberal media, and protests turn into riots, California is never far behind on joining in on the fun. In response to the grand jury decisions not to indict officer Darren Wilson for the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, or officer Daniel Pantaleo for the strangulation death of Eric Garner in…...

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State of Emergency in Missouri – My Shocking Response

UPDATE 11/24/2014 Officer Darren Wilson was not indicted. Check out these racist tweets about the grand jury announcement! If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you probably expect me to blame this on police. To talk about the police state in America. To say that killing any cop is justified. It makes sense, I…...

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Liberals Resort To Cannibalism Over “Street Harassment”

If you watched the “street harassment” video I wrote about yesterday, it was nearly impossible not to notice that the majority of people attempting to flirt with the overweight white woman in the video, were non-whites. To race realists, this probably didn’t come as too big of a surprise. To white liberals who have never…...

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Antonio Buehler Cosigns Reisenwitz Attack on Paul, Rockwell

Peaceful Streets Project founder, Antonio Buehler, has wholeheartedly endorsed the racial hysteria recently provoked by Cathy Reisenwitz. Reisenwitz tweeted that American libertarians were “super racist” and specifically targeted her attacks on such movement leaders as Murray Rothbard, Ron Paul, and Lew Rockwell, and others. Reisenwitz has since apologized for the baseless allegations, but Buehler seems…...

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Cathy Reisenwitz Says American Libertarians are “Super Racist”

UPDATE: Cathy has “apologized” for getting caught. Can we please just write this woman off already? How does this piece of shit get speaking slots at libertarian events with this kind of rhetoric? I NEED TO FIX THESE BROKEN IMAGES REMIND ME IF THEY ARE NOT FIXED BY END OF APRIL 2024   Subscribe via…...

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