Dear Officer, #WeSeeYou Too

Dear Officer, #WeSeeYou Too

Dear Officer, #WeSeeYou Too
Dear Officer, #WeSeeYou Too

I woke up this morning to a disturbing bit of propaganda. A video which portrays itself as being produced by the wife of a police officer, promotes the hashtag #WeSeeYou, while praising the mythical heroism and selflessness commonly associated with the most violent gang in the history of mankind.

The female voice praises officers for keeping their backs against walls, collecting overtime to fill out paperwork for the many revenue generating schemes they participated in that day, and directing traffic in bad weather. She expresses sympathy for them being negatively portrayed by “Main Stream Media” as if the talking heads on the idiot box have ever had any lack of worship for the violent sociopaths who wage a war on plant material. She sees them as “tired, frustrated, and misunderstood” you know, unlike the people who have to run from them in fear for their lives.

Oh, and they’re hurting, because they so frequently have to bury their brothers and sisters who died “just because they were guilty of one thing wearing a uniform with a badge”. I’ll embed the video below, but here’s where I had to stop.

Most police officers who die in the line of duty, die not because they are “guilty of wearing a badge” they die in traffic accidents. Accidents that are no doubt in some considerable portion caused by them driving recklessly because they’re above all the “laws” they extort everyone else for breaking, and playing with their fucking gadgets.

The few who are actually killed violently, are not guilty of “one thing”, but a plethora of unspeakable evils that in the aggregate create the greatest evil of all, the State. They are guilty of kidnapping over 12 million people a year, the vast majority of whom have harmed nobody. They are guilty of holding more than 2.25 million people in prisons as we speak.They are guilty of killing more American’s since 9/11 than the war on terrorism has. They are guilty of threatening the lives of tens of millions of motorists every single year on our highways.

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