A Brief History of TRS & The Radical Agenda

Christopher Cantwell's Radical Agenda
Christopher Cantwell's Radical Agenda
A Brief History of TRS & The Radical Agenda

During the November 29th SurrealPolitiks Member Chat, a listener brought up the relationship between myself and the fine folks over at TheRightStuff.biz. This came in response to some discussion of their parting ways with a fellow by the name of Eric Striker. I made a token effort to avoid diving into the TRS/Striker conflict, and […]

Benton & Tate Indicted

Jesse Benton and John Tate have been indicted on charges of violating campaign finance laws during Ron Paul’s 2012 presidential campaign. Benton, who is married to Paul’s granddaughter, was the chair of the campaign committee. Tate was the campaign manager. Both are now heading up America’s Liberty, a super PAC supporting Rand Paul’s 2016 bid for…...

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Chatting & Chalking with Keene Police

Yesterday was “Chalk The Police Day” an event put on by my friends at CopBlock.org. Activists from around the country went out to write and draw various messages relating to police accountability with chalk. The event dates back to 2011, where the “Chalking 8” were arrested in Manchester, New Hampshire on graffiti and criminal mischief charges…....

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Bernie Sanders Is The Most Dangerous Man In America

I’ve never feared for my safety quite like I did yesterday. I have been beaten, kidnapped, and shot at before. I’ve had my gun pointed at a man’s chest when police showed up. I’ve live streamed a riot where drunken lunatics flipped cars and screamed “Fuck the press!”. I’ve been involved in some pretty precarious situations,…...

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Critiques of My Self Defense Incident Refuted

I have remarked before, that it’s sort of my job to be hated. I’d venture to say I’ve become quite good at this. So whenever I draw a great deal of attention to myself, there is obviously a certain expectation of negative feedback. Often, this is intentional. I am saying controversial things that I know…...

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I Almost Killed Somebody Last Night

Recently, there have been some thefts at my friend Ian’s house. So I have been taking it upon myself to sit on his porch at night in an effort to catch the crooks in the act. Last night I was there until around 3am, and on my way home, I heard women crying, and men yelling…...

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My Path to Radical Celebritarianism

This post took a few turns since I first started it. As some of you may be aware, I’m working on a book, and this website is part of that project. I’m basically sharing my notes with all of you as I write them, and at some point these notes will be weaved into a…...

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7 Steps To Becoming a Celebritarian

A certain envious groupie recently published a nonsense list of steps towards becoming a celebritarian, in an apparent effort to defame Adam Kokesh. Lest anyone make the tragic mistake of taking this woman seriously, I thought I might publish a list of my own. This is a serious article, and as such, it is geared towards men…....

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Cop Block Founder Threatened with Banishment from Court!

This morning Ademo Freeman and I went to court to fight a speeding ticket he caught a few weeks ago. I brought my camera with me, because unlike most court houses, we get to record our hearings in New Hampshire. I recorded Ademo’s negotiation with the prosecutor, but it was pretty uneventful. He understandably didn’t…...

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Molyneux: “If an officer commands you… obey”

Stefan Molyneux recently released a video about the Eric Garner situation in New York. To his credit, I think Stefan did an excellent job of pointing out the nonsense of the race hysteria surrounding the situation, and he closes out with an important message striking the root of the problem, not dissimilar to the piece I…...

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