I'm Worried About Antonio Buehler

I’m Worried About Antonio Buehler

Somebody who cares about Antonio Buehler’s well being should really try and reach him. His rhetoric is becoming increasingly violent. While there’s nothing wrong with that per se, I fear that this combined with his growing detachment from reality, and obsessions with race,  he may be seriously gearing up for martyrdom – suicide by cop style.

His Facebook profile pic is of a woman who committed suicide in her jail cell after fighting a cop. He’s losing financial support, and appears to be running some kind of scheme charging people money in the hopes he can get them into prestigious universities. I’ve heard numerous reports that his friends are turning their backs on him.

His racial obsessions have gone from a misled attempt to free “oppressed” classes, to some kind of doomsday, paranoid, hallucinatory, nightmare world. One where white people are secretly colluding with the police state to gun down innocent blacks, and dine on their flesh while clinking wine glasses, and wearing monocles. A world where men systematically rape women to keep them subjugated, and high five with their pals about it because it is socially acceptable in some twisted vision of gender relations he calls a “rape culture”. His mental state would be better explained by a steady diet of cocaine and DMT, than by anything pertaining to this plane of existence.

I'm Worried About Antonio Buehler
I’m Worried About Antonio Buehler

His irrational ramblings are beginning to sound a lot like those of Vester Flanagan, the black news reporter who gunned down his former coworkers on live morning television, over completely imagined racial tensions. When somebody is that detached from reality, has nothing to lose, is obsessed with race, and is talking about violence… Well, we’ve seen how that turns out. Haven’t we? But at least Vester Flanagan was comfortable with his homosexuality. Antonio Buehler on the other hand, was caught making up a fake online girlfriend using photos from a charity, and chatting with himself while pretending to be her on Facebook, and other websites.

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