Police and Military Are The Same, Neither Protects Freedom

Yesterday I posted an article to the Cop Block Facebook page that was very anti military. I later removed the post due to overwhelmingly negative feedback from users. It was after all, sort of off topic for Cop Block. Still, it would seem that even those among us who have figured out that police are…...

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How Would an Anarcho-Capitalist Society Repel Invasion?

Can Anarcho-Capitalist Defense Forces Replace a Government Military? The final vestige of someone clinging to government force is often the military. Especially when we’re dealing with folks who may have been more right leaning in their previous political life, the military holds a special place in the hearts of statists. We’ve all been raised our…...

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Crime in an Anarcho-Capitalist Society

Right after they ask you “Who will build the roads?” the next thing a statist will usually ask an anarchist is “What about crime?” A valid enough question that plenty of people have difficulty answering, so I figure it time I join the long list of people who have already addressed it. I haven’t read…...

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Libertarianism: A Brief Introduction

Curious about libertarianism? You’re in the right place. Congratulations! If you’re reading this and you’re not already a libertarian, then you’re probably about to embark on a life changing journey of knowledge seeking. I’m honored to be the one giving you this introduction to libertarianism, so if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to…...

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Anarcho-Capitalism: Why Storm Clouds Gathering Is Wrong

Is Anarcho-Capitalism Broken? I just saw a video titled “Anarcho-capitalism Why it’s Broken & How to Fix it“ by the YouTube channel Storm Clouds Gathering. In it, Aaron Hawkins reiterates a number of common criticisms of anarcho-capitalism, while simultaneously claiming to have done hundreds of hours of research on the subject. He makes anti-capitalist arguments…...

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Violently Overthrow The Government

It is not impossible, impractical, or immoral to overthrow the government. The ideas of what a free society is, or ought to be, are pretty well established. Surely, there will need to be a great deal of outreach for more people to understand those ideas before they take hold, but the questions of defense, roads,…...

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Why Attack other Libertarians?

“Why do you attack other libertarians? Why don’t you attack the State, instead?” I’m a guy who finds myself in a lot of conflict with his peers, and nearly every single time I write or make a video about it, I get asked this question. “Why do you attack other libertarians? Why don’t you attack…...

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Jeffrey Tucker’s Case Against Libertarianism

Jeffrey Tucker Reduces Core Libertarian Ideals To “Brutalism” In the ongoing conflict between leftist infiltrators who want to redefine libertarianism, and purists who wish to stay on message, yet another high profile libertarian has ditched principle for popularity, and condemned principled action as racist, and misogynist. Jeffrey Tucker, publisher at Laissez Faire Books, and fellow at…...

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Why Does Libertarianism Lack Ethnic/Gender Diversity?

The issue of diversity in libertarianism has reached a fevered pitch over the last 6 months. I suppose this debate has been going on in the “liberty movement” for awhile, but every so often there is a flare up, and this seems to be one of those times. I’d like to think I’m partially responsible…...

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