A Culture of Resistance

The State is an institution that claims the lawful and moral authority to initiate force and defraud people out of property. It is unique in this assertion within its claimed geopolitical boundary, and thus has been termed by many a “monopoly on violence”. Of course, it does a terrible job at maintaining this monopoly, as…...

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The Real Reason Police Get Shot

Hint: It’s not about race Checking the headlines today, and there’s all this buzz about a couple of cops getting shot in Ferguson, MO. The city has been a hotbed of violence and tension since the shooting of Michael Brown, a black man, and especially since the white police officer who shot him, Darren Wilson,…...

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No Such Thing as Neutral

The FCC claims it’s going to keep the net “neutral”. News outlets claim to be “impartial”. Such buzzwords immediately tell you that you’re being scammed. Well, it’s official. The FCC is taking over the Internet. Not only that, but millions of idiots begged them to do it, because they think the FCC is somehow going…...

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Against “Second Wave Libertarianism”

I am exhausted. Not from writing, editing video, or doing radio. Not from relentless attacks on me and my website. Not from watching Republicans and Democrats argue over how big the next war should be. It’s not the work I do, the resistance I meet in doing it, or the stamina of my enemy that exhausts me. What…...

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My Path to Radical Celebritarianism

This post took a few turns since I first started it. As some of you may be aware, I’m working on a book, and this website is part of that project. I’m basically sharing my notes with all of you as I write them, and at some point these notes will be weaved into a…...

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The Worst Thing Spangler Put In His Daughter Was Ideology

As liberaltarians scrambled in the wake of the Brad Spangler incestual pedophilia scandal, to rescue his reputation and that of the Center for a Stateless Society, they did as they often do, and called for censorship. My scathing review of the incident was widely trafficked, sits above the fold on the first page of a Google…...

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Sorry Molyneux, Competition is not Theft

Stefan Molyneux recently released a video discussing the death of Eric Garner in Staten Island at the hands of NYPD officer Daniel Pantaleo. Pantaleo put Garner in a chokehold for allegedly selling untaxed cigarettes on the street, in an effort to arrest him. Garner died as a result, and a grand jury refused to indict officer Pantaleo…....

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Dead Cops Means Less Oppression

“When, then, does plunder stop? It stops when it becomes more painful and more dangerous than labor.” ~ Frédéric Bastiat In the wake of two NYPD Officers being gunned down in Brooklyn, the New York Post is reporting that traffic tickets and summonses for petty offenses are down 94%, arrests for drug offenses are down 84%,…...

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Can’t Tell The Difference Between Welfare & Donations?

Since changing the signatures on my posts to “I am in desperate need of money. So if you appreciate the work I do, please consider donating, or advertising here.” I’ve gotten no shortage of comments acting as though I’ve somehow done something wrong. Unsurprisingly, these comments come primarily from people who would not support what I was doing here…...

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Dead Cops Chose Their Fate

Two NYPD cops are dead in what appears to be an execution motivated by the Eric Garner and Michael Brown killings by police. The alleged shooter, Ismaaiyl Brinsley is reportedly dead as well, of a self inflicted gunshot wound. Given previous statements I’ve made when police have been killed, a lot of people were anxious to…...

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