Why Men’s Rights is Libertarian, and Feminism Isn’t

In a recent piece at Reason Magazine, Elizabeth Nolan Brown attempts to explain “Why So Many Men Who Hate Women Love Limited Government“. Unsurprisingly, given the author and publication, it is laced with feminist social justice warrior horseshit, smearing men who don’t think they should be demonized as a gender and thrown in prison for…...

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If Sandra Bland Were A White Male, Nobody Would Care

It’s rare you see me pass up an opportunity to call into question the integrity of police officers. Police, by the very nature of their profession, are a threat to the safety and dignity of all mankind. So when an opportunity presents itself to expose that reality to the public, I quite gleefully rush to…...

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Murdering Infants For A Lamborghini

A second disturbing video has emerged of a Planned Parenthood representative haggling over prices for abortion leftovers. This one features Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s Medical Directors’ Council President, Mary Gatter. She is seen talking to what she believed to be fetal tissue procurement agents from a company calling itself Biomax. It’s the second of what may be…...

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Transgendering A Toddler Is Child Abuse

I remember when I was very young, a boy no older than 7 I figure, I went into my parent’s bedroom and began playing with my mother’s things. By the time I got caught, I was wearing lipstick, costume jewelry, and high heels. My parents screamed at me and sent me to my room. They…...

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Attempts To Reach The Left: An Unmitigated Disaster

Libertarians face a number of formidable challenges in their efforts to make the world a freer place. The sheer volume of statutes, regulations, and bureaucracies is staggering to even gaze upon, much more so to dismantle in any sort of organized manner. The massive public education system dulling the wits of the populace, teaching them the opposite of…...

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Syriza’s Endgame: Hyperinflation of the Drachma

As American’s shake off their Independence Day hangovers, Greeks will head to the polls for a referendum that many predict will result in their exit from the Eurozone. The ballot measure, recently deemed constitutional by the top court in Greece, is on whether to accept the terms of a bailout package offered by the nation’s…...

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So You Think That Rainbow Makes You Look Cool?

I have an important public service announcement for everyone who changed their Facebook and other profile photos to a rainbow recently. Absent some massive desire for more color in your life, you probably did this to celebrate the United States Supreme Court magically creating a constitutional “right” to a marriage license for gay people. Didn’t…...

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Welfare Militarism & The Rise Of The Islamic State

“No will to fight.” That’s what US Secretary of Defense Ash Carter said of the Iraqi military, in relation to their conflict with Islamic State forces. The Islamic State, sometimes referred to ISIS or ISIL, recently seized control of the Iraqi city of Ramadi. Iraqi forces fled the scene, despite outnumbering the enemy, and left behind a massive weapons…...

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Critiques of My Self Defense Incident Refuted

I have remarked before, that it’s sort of my job to be hated. I’d venture to say I’ve become quite good at this. So whenever I draw a great deal of attention to myself, there is obviously a certain expectation of negative feedback. Often, this is intentional. I am saying controversial things that I know…...

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Dear Stefan Molyneux, Police Are Criminals.

Dear Stefan Molyneux, Thanks for taking the time to read this. You’re a very big influence on me, my personal relationships, and my work. I watch or listen to everything you produce. I’ve listened to your audio books. I frequently reference your work in my own. I donate to you. So please know that I…...

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