Some Garbage Podcast EP035 – Fight or Flight

Cantwell's Secret Stash Some Garbage Podcast EP035 - Fight or Flight Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds 00:00 / Subscribe Share RSS Feed Share Link Embed Download file | Play in new window | Recorded on April 8, 2015 | Download transcriptWhat is a libertarian to do...

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How To Hate Minorities

Lately there has been much discussion about discrimination in the news. To hear some people tell it, there exists some mass hate movement against homosexuals, which conspires in the highest levels of business and government to oppress them. To make matters worse, the nation is still reeling from race riots in Ferguson over the Michael Brown…...

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Some Garbage Podcast EP034 – The Anarchy Button

Cantwell's Secret Stash Some Garbage Podcast EP034 - The Anarchy Button Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds 00:00 / Subscribe Share RSS Feed Share Link Embed Download file | Play in new window | Recorded on April 3, 2015 | Download transcriptSuppose there was a button you...

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A Culture of Resistance

The State is an institution that claims the lawful and moral authority to initiate force and defraud people out of property. It is unique in this assertion within its claimed geopolitical boundary, and thus has been termed by many a “monopoly on violence”. Of course, it does a terrible job at maintaining this monopoly, as…...

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Dead Cops Means Less Oppression

“When, then, does plunder stop? It stops when it becomes more painful and more dangerous than labor.” ~ Frédéric Bastiat In the wake of two NYPD Officers being gunned down in Brooklyn, the New York Post is reporting that traffic tickets and summonses for petty offenses are down 94%, arrests for drug offenses are down 84%,…...

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Molyneux: “If an officer commands you… obey”

Stefan Molyneux recently released a video about the Eric Garner situation in New York. To his credit, I think Stefan did an excellent job of pointing out the nonsense of the race hysteria surrounding the situation, and he closes out with an important message striking the root of the problem, not dissimilar to the piece I…...

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Dead Men Don’t Start Revolutions

The good news is, two cops are dead. The bad news is, the two shooters, and what appears to be an innocent bystander are dead too. Officer Alyn Beck, 42, and Officer Igor Soldo, 32, of the Las Vegas Metro Police were gunned down inside Cici’s Pizza while eating lunch. The shooters, one male, one…...

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How Would an Anarcho-Capitalist Society Repel Invasion?

Can Anarcho-Capitalist Defense Forces Replace a Government Military? The final vestige of someone clinging to government force is often the military. Especially when we’re dealing with folks who may have been more right leaning in their previous political life, the military holds a special place in the hearts of statists. We’ve all been raised our…...

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Open Letter to the Free State Project Board

To the members of the Free State Project’s board of directors, You surely recall an incident from last year when I was kicked out of your organization for advocating violence in an article titled “Concord Police, Go and Get Your Bearcat“. One of your board members contacted me, asking me to retract statements, under threat…...

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5 Things The Bundy Ranch Teaches Us

Surprisingly enough, I was going to ignore the story of Cliven Bundy’s ranch, which is presently under siege by federal agents from the Bureau of Land Management. A number of people thought this was right up my ally, to come at from a use of force angle, since so many people are speculating it will…...

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