Some Garbage Podcast EP028 – SJW Industrial Complex

Cantwell's Secret Stash Some Garbage Podcast EP028 - SJW Industrial Complex Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds 00:00 / Subscribe Share RSS Feed Share Link Embed Download file | Play in new window | Recorded on February 26, 2015 | Download transcript“First they came for Cantwell, and...

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Antonio Buehler Cosigns Reisenwitz Attack on Paul, Rockwell

Peaceful Streets Project founder, Antonio Buehler, has wholeheartedly endorsed the racial hysteria recently provoked by Cathy Reisenwitz. Reisenwitz tweeted that American libertarians were “super racist” and specifically targeted her attacks on such movement leaders as Murray Rothbard, Ron Paul, and Lew Rockwell, and others. Reisenwitz has since apologized for the baseless allegations, but Buehler seems…...

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Fake Apologies, or Race Pimping – Which is Worse?

One thing you almost never see me do is apologize. That’s because I’m almost never sorry about what I say or do, and I tend to reserve apologies for when I’m actually sorry. This is sort of a rare feature in humanity, as you may have noticed in life. Most people will throw out an…...

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Cathy Reisenwitz Says American Libertarians are “Super Racist”

UPDATE: Cathy has “apologized” for getting caught. Can we please just write this woman off already? How does this piece of shit get speaking slots at libertarian events with this kind of rhetoric? I NEED TO FIX THESE BROKEN IMAGES REMIND ME IF THEY ARE NOT FIXED BY END OF APRIL 2024   Subscribe via…...

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Why Attack other Libertarians?

“Why do you attack other libertarians? Why don’t you attack the State, instead?” I’m a guy who finds myself in a lot of conflict with his peers, and nearly every single time I write or make a video about it, I get asked this question. “Why do you attack other libertarians? Why don’t you attack…...

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Jeffrey Tucker’s Case Against Libertarianism

Jeffrey Tucker Reduces Core Libertarian Ideals To “Brutalism” In the ongoing conflict between leftist infiltrators who want to redefine libertarianism, and purists who wish to stay on message, yet another high profile libertarian has ditched principle for popularity, and condemned principled action as racist, and misogynist. Jeffrey Tucker, publisher at Laissez Faire Books, and fellow at…...

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Why Does Libertarianism Lack Ethnic/Gender Diversity?

The issue of diversity in libertarianism has reached a fevered pitch over the last 6 months. I suppose this debate has been going on in the “liberty movement” for awhile, but every so often there is a flare up, and this seems to be one of those times. I’d like to think I’m partially responsible…...

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Cathy Reisenwitz Accuses Bitcoin of Bigotry, Loses 2 Klout Points

Cathy Reisenwitz Klout Score Drops Two Points After Accusing Bitcoin of Bigotry With left “libertarians” like Cathy Reisenwitz, it’s all about privilege. There’s basically no issue that cannot be boiled down to racism, sexism, or homophobia. Not even Bitcoin. In a hysterical twitter fit, Cathy makes the case that there is some diabolical plot causing…...

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Cathy Reisenwitz’s Brilliant Response To My Blog

I blasted Cathy Reisenwitz on here earlier today. Rather than say anything of substance in response, she created a disinformation Facebook page…   I NEED TO FIX THESE BROKEN IMAGE LINKS REMIND ME IF YOU SEE THIS AFTER APRIL 2024   “But Chris! That just proves that she liked the page, not that she created…...

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Why Fake Being A Libertarian?

Why fake being a libertarian? They have no political power to speak of, hell, for the most part, they don’t even want political power. Certainly, there’s more money to be made by being a fake liberal, or a fake conservative? Right? If you were going to fake being something, it would probably make a lot…...

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