PA Troopers Got Off Easy

One Pennsylvania State Trooper is dead, and another is wounded, after they were ambushed outside their barracks in Pike County Saturday night. “It’s a cowardly attack. It’s an attack upon all of us in society” said Pennsylvania State Police Commissioner Frank Noonan. Social media is abuzz with messages of support for the widow of Cpl. Bryon K…....

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Will Grigg, Name One That Didn’t

In a recent post at, William Norman Grigg said of the recent cop killings in Las Vegas; No genuine “revolution” can be carried out through aggressive violence, or led by people who mimic the worst behavior of those who act in the name of the murderous fiction called the State. This approach is morally…...

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Police Are Violent Extremists, Not Jasper Stam

A reader of this blog was arrested recently in Canada for allegedly “threatening to kill police”. The suspect, Jasper Stam, is reported to have been friends with Canadian cop killer Justin Bourque, and shared my article “Best of Luck, Justin Bourque” on Facebook. The National Post describes me as “an extremist American gun rights advocate…...

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There Is Only One “Law”

Yesterday’s commentary on the Justin Bourque story created quite the stir. In case you haven’t read my thoughts on the matter, I’ll summarize by saying that Bourque was basically walking down the street with rifles, and since police had come to disarm and kidnap him, he was rightfully defending himself by killing them. Now of…...

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Best of Luck, Justin Bourque

Damn those loose Canadian gun laws! If only the NRA had less influence on the Canadian government! Didn’t those greedy capitalist gun nuts learn anything from Sandy Hook? Oh, that’s right, this kind of rhetoric makes even less sense in Canada than it does in the United States, where it is just as frivolous. If…...

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