Libertarianism Is Not A Suicide Pact

Cantwell's Secret Stash Libertarianism Is Not A Suicide Pact Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds 00:00 / Subscribe Share RSS Feed Share Link Embed Download file | Play in new window | Recorded on November 18, 2015To say things have been tempestuous amongst libertarians as of late...

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Reality as a Prerequisite of Liberty

Prior to getting into libertarianism, I never much thought about the existence of an objective reality. I always took it for granted that, the universe exists regardless of our perceptions, and our perceptions of it were just the means by which to interact with it. When I first began reading Murray Rothbard, Ayn Rand, and Ludwig…...

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Attempts To Reach The Left: An Unmitigated Disaster

Libertarians face a number of formidable challenges in their efforts to make the world a freer place. The sheer volume of statutes, regulations, and bureaucracies is staggering to even gaze upon, much more so to dismantle in any sort of organized manner. The massive public education system dulling the wits of the populace, teaching them the opposite of…...

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Ethan Glover – Another Saboteur Arrives in Keene

When people try to put together a mass political migration, it pays to be welcoming. Folks pick up their lives and make a go of it in a new place, presumably because they share the same values, and so you want to go out of your way to make them feel at home. This is done largely…...

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Against “Second Wave Libertarianism”

I am exhausted. Not from writing, editing video, or doing radio. Not from relentless attacks on me and my website. Not from watching Republicans and Democrats argue over how big the next war should be. It’s not the work I do, the resistance I meet in doing it, or the stamina of my enemy that exhausts me. What…...

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Spangler Free, Blames Confession on “Mental Breakdown”

Recently, Center for a Stateless Society (C4SS) founder Brad Spangler confessed via Facebook to sexually abusing his daughter. A short time later, his daughter came forth with a statement of her own, confirming the validity of Spangler’s confession. Thomas L. Knapp, also of C4SS, confirmed on the comments of this blog 6 days ago that…...

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The Worst Thing Spangler Put In His Daughter Was Ideology

As liberaltarians scrambled in the wake of the Brad Spangler incestual pedophilia scandal, to rescue his reputation and that of the Center for a Stateless Society, they did as they often do, and called for censorship. My scathing review of the incident was widely trafficked, sits above the fold on the first page of a Google…...

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Brad Spangler: Lefty Kid Toucher

It came to my attention that Brad Spangler, a C4SS contributor whom I had been in conflict with some time ago to the point of Facebook blocking, confessed last night to molesting his daughter. He announced on his Facebook page that he would be turning himself into police, apparently out of concern that ASUS tech…...

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Fake Apologies, or Race Pimping – Which is Worse?

One thing you almost never see me do is apologize. That’s because I’m almost never sorry about what I say or do, and I tend to reserve apologies for when I’m actually sorry. This is sort of a rare feature in humanity, as you may have noticed in life. Most people will throw out an…...

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Cathy Reisenwitz Says American Libertarians are “Super Racist”

UPDATE: Cathy has “apologized” for getting caught. Can we please just write this woman off already? How does this piece of shit get speaking slots at libertarian events with this kind of rhetoric? I NEED TO FIX THESE BROKEN IMAGES REMIND ME IF THEY ARE NOT FIXED BY END OF APRIL 2024   Subscribe via…...

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