White People Literally Can’t Even Mention Race on Facebook

I’ve been banned from Facebook over some pretty ridiculous things. Making enemies of social justice warriors has caused me to become a frequent target of report brigades. This is why my block list exceeds 350 people and grows by the day. If I see someone make so much as a passive complaint about racism or…...

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Radical Agenda EP019 – Muh Rainbows

Cantwell's Secret Stash Radical Agenda EP019 - Muh Rainbows Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds 00:00 / Subscribe Share RSS Feed Share Link Embed Download file | Play in new window | Recorded on July 1, 2015 | Download transcriptI signed into Facebook and it was like...

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Brad Spangler: Lefty Kid Toucher

It came to my attention that Brad Spangler, a C4SS contributor whom I had been in conflict with some time ago to the point of Facebook blocking, confessed last night to molesting his daughter. He announced on his Facebook page that he would be turning himself into police, apparently out of concern that ASUS tech…...

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Threatening “War” Against Police?

Leonard John Watson is being held on $50,000 bail in Texas for a Facebook post that allegedly threatened war against police. The Eagle is reporting that Watson was charged with “obstruction or retaliation”, a third-degree felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison. The incident stems from a drunk driving arrest Watson suffered in…...

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Police Are Violent Extremists, Not Jasper Stam

A reader of this blog was arrested recently in Canada for allegedly “threatening to kill police”. The suspect, Jasper Stam, is reported to have been friends with Canadian cop killer Justin Bourque, and shared my article “Best of Luck, Justin Bourque” on Facebook. The National Post describes me as “an extremist American gun rights advocate…...

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WARNING: Stop Using Facebook To Log Into Other Websites!

I knew I would come to regret this. Once upon a time, before liberals decided to begin a denial of service attack against my Facebook account, I thought it was a convenient way to sign into other websites. Now I have lost access to all of those accounts, and it is unclear whether I will…...

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Antonio Buehler Manufactures Fake Girlfriend to Cover Up Lies

Full retard is presently being redefined by Antonio Buehler. After exposing his fake “Jane Aggies” persona Wednesday, Buehler went into panic mode and began trying to cover up his deception. I NEED TO FIX THESE BROKEN IMAGE LINKS REMIND ME IF YOU SEE THIS AFTER APRIL 2024 First, he took down the photos of Laura…...

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Tech Companies Demand Government Surveillance Continue

Laughable. That’s the single word that came to my mind as I read an article in the Atlantic titled “Google, Apple, and Microsoft Agree: NSA Spying Undermines Freedom”. Now, from their title, it sounds as if these companies were standing up for you, the user of their products and services. What actually transpired though, was…...

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Discussing Language Can Get You Banned From Facebook

I’m banned from posting to facebook for the next 12 hours, because I decided to discuss the meaning of the word faggot. As you’ll see in the screenshot below, the word “faggot” had nothing to do with gay people when I was growing up. I didn’t even know what homosexuality was the first time I…...

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Facebook To Push Pro Government Propaganda To The Top Of News Feeds

Facebook announced on its blog today, that they would be “doing a better job of distinguishing between a high quality article on a website versus a meme photo hosted somewhere other than Facebook”. Considering what Facebook considers ban worthy, we can assume what they consider to be “high quality” won’t be anti-government sources. If Facebook…...

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