Radical Agenda EP046 – Fresh Outta Rope!

Cantwell's Secret Stash Radical Agenda EP046 - Fresh Outta Rope! Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds 00:00 / Subscribe Share RSS Feed Share Link Embed Download file | Play in new window | Recorded on October 15, 2015 | Download transcriptI truly envy all you calm people...

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You Will Not Draft Our Women

The nonsensical push for some fabled “gender equality” is nearing its ultimate suicidal conclusion, according to a piece by Richard Sisk at Military.com. Army Secretary John McHugh said Monday “If your objective is true and pure equality then you have to look at all aspects” of the roles of women in the military. And registration for the draft…...

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5 Reasons To Blame Feminism For Mass Shootings

The usual suspects have come under fire in the wake of a mass shooting that left 9 victims and the shooter dead at Umpqua Community College in Oregon. Guns, mental illness, racism, masculinity, religion – I already went over much of this in a previous article. In that piece I summed the problem up to…...

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Goodbye Cuck Talk Live

For the second, and final time, I am parting ways with Free Talk Live. In case you’re unfamiliar, FTL is a nationally syndicated talk radio show which I’ve co-hosted for the better part of the last year. It airs live from Keene, New Hampshire 7 nights a week from 7-10pm Eastern on 150+ broadcast stations…...

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Radical Agenda EP031 – Fire Drill

Christopher Cantwell's Radical Agenda Radical Agenda EP031 - Fire Drill Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds 00:00 / Subscribe Share RSS Feed Share Link Embed Download file | Play in new window | Recorded on September 3, 2015 | Download transcriptLacking foreknowledge of what will be in...

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Reality as a Prerequisite of Liberty

Prior to getting into libertarianism, I never much thought about the existence of an objective reality. I always took it for granted that, the universe exists regardless of our perceptions, and our perceptions of it were just the means by which to interact with it. When I first began reading Murray Rothbard, Ayn Rand, and Ludwig…...

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Radical Agenda EP027 – Live From New York

Cantwell's Secret Stash Radical Agenda EP027 - Live From New York Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds 00:00 / Subscribe Share RSS Feed Share Link Embed Download file | Play in new window | Recorded on August 14, 2015 | Download transcriptA lot has happened since we...

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Social Justice Cannibals

In any political group or movement, you’re going to have some amount of infighting. Libertarians, a group which I would say came together around the most consistent and coherent political philosophy of all, are certainly no strangers to this phenomenon. Whenever many thousands of people with egos big enough to think they are uniquely qualified to…...

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If Sandra Bland Were A White Male, Nobody Would Care

It’s rare you see me pass up an opportunity to call into question the integrity of police officers. Police, by the very nature of their profession, are a threat to the safety and dignity of all mankind. So when an opportunity presents itself to expose that reality to the public, I quite gleefully rush to…...

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Transgendering A Toddler Is Child Abuse

I remember when I was very young, a boy no older than 7 I figure, I went into my parent’s bedroom and began playing with my mother’s things. By the time I got caught, I was wearing lipstick, costume jewelry, and high heels. My parents screamed at me and sent me to my room. They…...

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