Dead Cops Means Less Oppression

“When, then, does plunder stop? It stops when it becomes more painful and more dangerous than labor.” ~ Frédéric Bastiat In the wake of two NYPD Officers being gunned down in Brooklyn, the New York Post is reporting that traffic tickets and summonses for petty offenses are down 94%, arrests for drug offenses are down 84%,…...

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Some Garbage Podcast EP017 – #Fuck2015!

Cantwell's Secret Stash Some Garbage Podcast EP017 - #Fuck2015! Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds 00:00 / Subscribe Share RSS Feed Share Link Embed Download file | Play in new window | Recorded on December 29, 2014 | Download transcriptIt’s barely even 2015 yet, and we’ve already...

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Can’t Tell The Difference Between Welfare & Donations?

Since changing the signatures on my posts to “I am in desperate need of money. So if you appreciate the work I do, please consider donating, or advertising here.” I’ve gotten no shortage of comments acting as though I’ve somehow done something wrong. Unsurprisingly, these comments come primarily from people who would not support what I was doing here…...

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Dead Cops Chose Their Fate

Two NYPD cops are dead in what appears to be an execution motivated by the Eric Garner and Michael Brown killings by police. The alleged shooter, Ismaaiyl Brinsley is reportedly dead as well, of a self inflicted gunshot wound. Given previous statements I’ve made when police have been killed, a lot of people were anxious to…...

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Molyneux: “If an officer commands you… obey”

Stefan Molyneux recently released a video about the Eric Garner situation in New York. To his credit, I think Stefan did an excellent job of pointing out the nonsense of the race hysteria surrounding the situation, and he closes out with an important message striking the root of the problem, not dissimilar to the piece I…...

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On Michael Brown, Tamir Rice, & Eric Garner

When racial hysteria dominates liberal media, and protests turn into riots, California is never far behind on joining in on the fun. In response to the grand jury decisions not to indict officer Darren Wilson for the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, or officer Daniel Pantaleo for the strangulation death of Eric Garner in…...

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Liberalism & Men’s Rights

I just had quite the interesting interaction in the comments over at A Voice for Men. They recently put my “Rape Accusation Culture” article in their “Mega Featured” category on the front page, apparently overlooking a shot I took at the left. Here is the quote that caused the stir; It requires some ideological acrobatics, […]

Racist Tweets about #Ferguson

This is absolutely despicable. Within moments of the announcement that a grand jury failed to indict officer Darren Wilson for the shooting of Michael Brown, racists flooded social media with hate speech, and attempts to incite violence. This is being updated every few minutes with new tweets, refresh the page for more in a few…...

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Rape Accusation Culture

To hear some people tell it, there exists a culture where rape is socially acceptable. Not under some foreign “Islamo-fascist” regime in a land far far away, but right here in America. All over the world, really. It’s something of a conspiracy, perpetrated by the elusive patriarchy. A large, and growing number of radical ideologues are…...

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State of Emergency in Missouri – My Shocking Response

UPDATE 11/24/2014 Officer Darren Wilson was not indicted. Check out these racist tweets about the grand jury announcement! If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you probably expect me to blame this on police. To talk about the police state in America. To say that killing any cop is justified. It makes sense, I…...

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